Reading Notes #228


  • But Why Do You Trust Your Data? (Buck Woody) - I consider this post as a really great teaser. After ready his post most chances are you will check the video it recommended... and next give a shot to Azure data Catalog.



  • Analyzing your Azure Search traffic (Berni Torres Garayar) - Great post that explains how to improve our services by listening to our client's search requests, leveraging the new Azure Search Analytics and PowerBi.



Reading Notes #227

Suggestion of the week


MVP Award 2016!


Thank you

Since two years now, the first of April is very special for me. Not because of all the April fool, but because that the date you made me a Microsoft Azure MVP.

I'm very proud and happy to be renew this year again. I wanted to take time to thank you all. I will continue to write and talk about my passions!
See you soon...

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