What you must have to enjoy IE7

Recently I got some trouble with the so lovely Firefox, so I got no choice to suffer and use IE. But then I take the time to search how I can improve the application. Here is my top 4 of some add-ons that are really nice....

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

The Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar provides a set of tools for quickly creating and debugging web pages. Tools include such areas as exploring the DOM of a page, locating specific elements on a page, and outlining code blocks. It's really look like FireBug, a MSUT to any developer. Download from here.


Inline Search

Inline Search is a quick way to search for content on a web page without pulling up the Find Dialog as well as providing the ability to find as you type and highlighted search terms.



Extended Copy Menu

Again for all developer... Adds a “Copy As Html” and “Copy As Plain Text” to the context (right-click) menu.




IE7Pro is an add-on for Internet Explorer which adds a lot of features and extras which make your Browsing faster,More Responsive and Sleek. It add also:

  • New Module: FasterIE,It will increase your IE surfing speed.
  • Add Session Manager function, it include save, load, copy, send by mail
  • IE context menu add save selected source code to file and clipboard as html, text, links
  • Online bookmark support IE8 webslice now
  • New ActiveXObject interface.
  • View page info SaveAs dialog support multi-select now
  • Add serverinfo plugin again


Voila! I hope you will enjoy those.


Change Font Color in Gnome Panels


I don't know if you are like me, but I prefer darker themes.


But with Ubuntu no UI interffface is present be default to change the color of the font in Gnome panels. Here the simple way I found.

  1. Open a terminal and type:


    sudo gedit .gtkrc-2.0

  2. Then a empty file will open so copy-paste this code:


    include "/home/autocrosser/.gnome2/panel-fontrc"style "desktop-icon"
    NautilusIconContainer::frame_text = 1
    text[NORMAL] = "#000000"
    NautilusIconContainer::normal_alpha = 70
    class "GtkWidget" style "desktop-icon"
    style "panel"
    fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"
    # fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000″

    # fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
    # fg[SELECTED] = "#000000″

    # fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#8A857C"
    # bg[NORMAL] = "#000000″

    # bg[PRELIGHT] = "#dfdfdf"
    # bg[ACTIVE] = "#D0D0D0″

    # bg[SELECTED] = "#D8BB75″

    # base[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"
    # base[PRELIGHT] = "#EFEFEF"
    # base[ACTIVE] = "#D0D0D0″

    # base[SELECTED] = "#DAB566″

    # base[INSENSITIVE] = "#E8E8E8″

    # text[NORMAL] = "#161616″

    # text[PRELIGHT] = "#000000″

    # text[ACTIVE] = "#000000″

    # text[SELECTED] = "#ffffff"
    # text[INSENSITIVE] = "#8A857C"
    widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
    widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
    class "*Panel*" style "panel"
    widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel"
    class "*notif*" style "panel"
    class "*Notif*" style "panel"
    class "*Tray*" style "panel"
    class "*tray*" style "panel"

    That time I change the color code of: fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF". You can change this fffor any color by using the #RRGGBB equivalent code.

  3. Save. Close the editor. Re-log and Enjoy!

  If you dont know the code for the color you want you can go here, Or you can use gcolor2.   To install it type in a terminal


sudo apt-get install gcolor2

And when you are done, type: gcolor2 and voila!

I hope this little trick will make it eiser for you!


Line of Business Accelerator 2008 – Part 1


Manage store procedure with SQL Compact 3.5

This article is the first of a series were I will explain in small chunk the best practices use in Microsoft Line of Business Accelerator 2008.


To be able to do it you will need:

  • Visual studio 2008 – with SQL compact 3.5

  • Line of Business Accelerator 2008

  • SDK Mobile 6.0 Standard (smartphone, no touch screen)

  • Microsoft Active Sync 4.5

Create the Project

Open Visual studio and create a new Mobile 6 project. You can pick any platform for this demo but a select the framework 3.5 standard.

  1. On the main Form Add a DataGrid and name it grdProduct.

  2. In the Main Menu:  

    • Add a Menu Item Close (mnuClose). Double-click and add the following code to close the application.
         1: private void mnuClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

         2: {

         3:     this.close();

         4: }

    • Add a menuItem Fill mnuFill and double click on it to add the handler.

Now you should have something like this.

Add the Database

Now we need a database. I use the Northwind database. You will found it in the SDK folder (\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\SQL Server\Mobile - Northwind.sdf). Right-click on the project and add existing item.

When the dataset dialogue will prompt select the in the Product table the column: [Product ID], [Product Name] and [Unit Price].

Fill the datagrid with the “normal” method

Before we add the code in the mnuTest click Handler we need to know the connectionstrng of our database. In NetCF this is the full path and name of the database. The relative path seem not be supported. So in our case we put the database in the same folder that the application, so we could hard coded or use something more generic (and reusable like:

   1: "margin-bottom: 0cm">


   3: string runAppFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);


   5: "margin-bottom: 0cm">


So now we can use it in the click function. Everything else now is like any “regular” .Net application. But instead of using SQL object were using SqlCe.

1: [code:c#;ln=on]

2: private void mnuTest1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

3: {

4: try

5:     {

6:         SqlCeDataAdapter oAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter();

7:         SqlCeConnection oConn = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source = " + runAppFolder + @"\Northwind.sdf");

8:         SqlCeCommand GetProduct = new SqlCeCommand(“SELECT [Product ID], [ProductName], [Unit Price] FROM Products”);


10:         oAdap.SelectCommand= GetProduct;

11:         oAdap.Fill(tblProduct);

12:         grdProduct.DataSource= tblProduct;

13:      }

14: catch(Exception ex)

15:     {

16:         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);

17:     }

18: }

19: [/code]

Now everything is in place the application should works. So Select youre emulator and run it.

Use the manage store procedure

Now it's time to use the “new” that the NetCF Team call:Manage Store Procedure. In fact this is not realty a new, because it was available in VS2005.

Add a Resource call StoreProc to the project.

Add a file to the project ProductGet.sql.

From the resource add an existing text file... select the ProductGet.sql. You should have something like this:

Double-click on the ProductGet icon, the file will open with the SQL syntax hi-lighter. So now we will move the SQL query there in the file you should have:

To use this we will get back in the code where we were building the sqlcqcommand and replace the string by the ProguctGet. So the new code will be

1: [code:c#;ln=on]



4: ...



7: SqlCeCommand GetProduct = new

8: SqlCeCommand(StoreProc.ProductGet,oConn);



11: oAdap.SelectCommand =

12: GetProduct;



15: oAdap.Fill(tblProduct);



"margin-bottom: 0cm">

18: ...



"margin-bottom: 0cm">

21: [/code]


Now you can test again the application. It's works like before but this time you can edit the sql code without re-compiling.

To add some parameter just add some ? in you re query and add the parameter(s) to the SqlCeCommand, like usual.

I hope this simple tutorial help you, feel free to ask any question or let me know you're comment.

