- Let's get Started with Containers on Azure (Erik St. Martin) - c5m.ca/aaa-ep18
- Let's build a website with Node.js on Azure (Tiemey Cyren) - c5m.ca/aaa-ep19
- Adding all functionalities from previous version into TinyBlazorAdmin website - c5m.ca/stream-ep115
- DevOps Lab: Demystifying ARM Templates: Variables (Abel Wang) - c5m.ca/learn-arm-ep5
- Monitoring the new followers, displaying the highest scores in order - c5m.ca/stream-ep116
Recap/ Summary Week #31
Recap/ Summary of Week #30
- Let's get started why Azure static web apps (John Papa): https://c5m.ca/aaa-ep15
- Mixed Reality QnA Bot (April): https://c5m.ca/aaa-ep16
- Why it's not working?! Investigating login Azure AD Token with Blazor WebAssembly: https://c5m.ca/stream-ep113
- ARM Series #4: Template Functions (Abel): https://c5m.ca/learn-arm-ep4
- Learning Node js: Serializing and deserializing an object to a file: https://c5m.ca/stream-ep114
Lecture de la semaine #6
- A JavaScript Trick You Should Know - Nice tricks I need to remember this one... so simple!
- Why is the Cloud so important to software developers? - Nice post. Simple word that show you the picture
- Easily Add Performance Counters to Your MVC Application - Really nice post about using MVC filter tag to replace repetitive code. Great job!
“to read more about the filter attribute, see bit.ly/kMPBYB”
“The list of built-in MVC filters can be found here: bit.ly/jSaD5N”
- The cloud will have no impact on IT departments - Compare the madness of cloud computing to the introduction of Excel a few years ago.
- Using Moq to mock ASP.NET MVC HttpContextBase - If you never try Moq, this is a good sample to show how everything is easy.
- Developing a Windows Azure AppFabric Application (Windows Azure Team) - Part 1 of 2 steps to build a simple application using Windows Azure Appfabric application.
- Configuring, Deploying, and Monitoring Applications using AppFabric Application Manager - Part 2 of 2, well documented with a lot of screen shot how to bring and configure a Windows Azure Appfabric application.
- Does Size Really Matter? – This is absolutely not a technical article, more a geeky one. But AD&D is good stuff too! ;)
- Scripting vs. Coding vs. Programming - Ooooh I like this one. It’s a classic. What do YOU think?
- Tools and Techniques for .NET Code Profiling (MSDN Magazize - Toolbox) - A lot of good references on articles and tools. You should bookmark this one.
“Profiling Your .NET Code : bit.ly/dDXWsF”
“ - Guide to Improving Code Performance in .NET: Part I” by Satesh Arveti on C# Corner (bit.ly/gyImk9)
- Writing Efficient C and C Code Optimization” by Koushik Ghosh on Code Project (bit.ly/icnYEi)
- Writing High Performance .NET Code” by Juan A Rodriguez and Simonijt Dutta from Intel (intel.ly/fvweaP)”
- Evaluating jQuery Plugins for Use in your Projects - Some simples (but needed) requirements for a JQuery plugin to be interesting.
- 7 Blogging Statistics Rules (Scott Hanselman) - Nice post as usual. If I must say an one liner for this post I would say: “Blog for yourself and ... enjoy!”
- Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles (Maarten Balliauw) – I really good post again, that answer the question: Does Windows Azure is interesting for me?
“Deploy sites to Windows Azure in less than 30 seconds Enables deployments to multiple Web Role instances using Web Deploy Saves Web Deploy packages & IIS configuration in Windows Azure storage to provide durability A web administrator portal for managing web sites deployed to the role The ability to upload and manage SSL certificates Simple logging and diagnostics tools.”
“Installing the WAAWR is as easy as download, extract, buildme.cmd and you’re done.”
- Cloud Cover Episode 50 - Episode 51 - Builds an AppFabric Application and Web Deploy and the Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles.
- Getting Started with the Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles – Really nice, short a quick intro that show the big picture.
- Design Patterns,Practices and Techniques with the Windows Azure – This is a advanced video, but it contain everything.
~ Franky
Lecture de la semaine #2
Cloud Cover Episode 23 - AppFabric Service Bus (vidéo)
Épisode très intéressante où le Service Bus est présenté avec un exemple simple. Plus d’information sur : https://portal.appfabriclabs.com et sur CodePlex. Il est possible de télécharger des exemples à partir de CodePlex ou avec Nuget. ref : http://goo.gl/fFY1FUnderstanding Windows Azure AppFabric Queues (vidéo)
Une autre présentation sur AppFabric, axé sur les queues. ref : http://goo.gl/U3hhZConsole2 - A Better Windows Command Prompt
by Scott HanselmanDescription d’une console « DOS Prompt » génial. ref : http://goo.gl/7AMqo
jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation - For Version 1.6
Documentation très bien faite structurée, avec des exemples et permettant des recherches. C'est le même contenu que sur jquery.com mais le contenu formaté différemment et la recherche facilitée. ref : http://jqapi.com/TFS merge tools configuration
Je chercher toujours d’une fois à l’autre « LA » configuration de KDiff dans Visual Studio, maintenant je ne chercherai plus. ref : http://goo.gl/dSGdMWindows Azure MSDN How To tips in one place
Le titre dit tout… ref : http://goo.gl/BirT2Code snippets on blogs, are you allowed to use them in your own work? No you can not!!
Je ne savais pas… maintenant j’en sais plus sur les “code snippets” et leur utilisation. ref : http://goo.gl/lPCUqTools For jQuery Application Architecture – The Printable Chart
Présentation sur jQuery, l’architecture des applications et les outils disponibles. Ref : http://goo.gl/cz46SAussi disponible un livre gratuit : Essential JavaScript Design Patterns 1.1 – A Free Updated Book For Beginners. Disponible ici : http://goo.gl/D98nR
Le MvcScaffolding expliqué par Steve Sanderson
MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage: Steve Sanderson’s blog: "MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage
MVC, ScaffoldingJanuary 13th, 2011
This post describes some of the basic functionality you get with the MvcScaffolding package as soon as you install it. First, though, let’s explain a few core concepts. Don’t worry, there aren’t too many strange new concepts…
If this is the first time you’ve heard about MvcScaffolding, check out this other introductory post first.
What is a scaffolder?"
~ Franky
Important: ASP.NET Security Vulnerability - ScottGu's Blog
A few hours ago we released a Microsoft Security Advisory about a security vulnerability in ASP.NET. This vulnerability exists in all versions of ASP.NET.
This vulnerability was publically disclosed late Friday at a security conference.� We recommend that all customers immediately apply a workaround (described below) to prevent attackers from using this vulnerability against your ASP.NET applications.
What does the vulnerability enable?
An attacker using this vulnerability can request and download files within an ASP.NET Application like the web.config file (which often contains sensitive data)." [read more]
Tutorial ClickOnce
The easy way to deploy the .Net applications
In 2007 i wrote a tutorial about ClickOnce technology. I try many time to put it on the web, but the format was to “complexe” to be only copy-paste. Recently some reader ask me to re-work the formatting…So here it is I just put it as a pdf.
I hope you like it…
Tutorial ClickOne (PDF)
Read all of ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action now while you wait for the printed book
Read all of ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action now while you wait for the printed book : Jeffrey Palermo (.com): "First, you should place your advance order for ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action at http://manning.com/palermo2. That way, you will receive the printed book even before you see it at your local bookstore.
The entire book is finished, and we are just moving through production right now. But that doesn’t mean you have to wait to read it and learn about ASP.NET MVC 2. Since the beginning of the book project, you have been able to see the progression of the book on GitHub, our project site and version control system. That’s right, version control is for more than just code!
References: http://jeffreypalermo.com/blog/read-all-of-asp-net-mvc-2-in-action-now-while-you-wait-for-the-printed-book/Head over to http://github.com/jeffreypalermo/mvc2inaction and go to the “manuscript” folder to read the entire book in Word document form. All the content is there. In fact, the Word documents for the 1st edition is there as well. You can see just how much we have expanded the 2nd edition to not only cover version 2 but also to incorporate lessons learned using the framework over the last 2 years."
Utiliser des template T4 avec des paramètres c'est possible
Dernièrement j'ai voulu à développer une petite application pour générer du code. L’idée est bien simple je voulais avoir une interface me permettant de saisir quelques informations et ensuite… le code devait se généré.
Après quelques recherches, mon choix s’est porté sur Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4) de Microsoft. Le générateur de code utilisant les T4 est inclus dans Visual Studio 2008. Donc même si rien n’est nécessaire, je conseille fortement le T4 Editor de Clarius Consulting qui affichera le code avec quelques couleurs. La version de la communauté est gratuite, la version complète est payante… on s’en doutait ;)
Créer un template simple
Il y a plusieurs excellents tutoriels expliquent comment utiliser les templates T4, notamment sur les blogs de Oleg Sych et Scott Hanselman. Mais pour faire vite, voici un tout petit exemple.
- Dans un projet Visual Studio, cliquer sur [Project] –> [Add new Item].
- Vous pouvez sélectionner
- La catégorie [Code Generation] et le template [File].
- La catégorie [General] et le template [Text File]. Dans ce cas assurez-vous spécifier l’extension “.tt”.
- Vous pouvez sélectionner
- Entrez le nom de votre fichier, cliquez le bouton [Add]
- Le fichier à été ajouté a votre projet. Double cliquez dessus.
- À la fin du fichier ajoutez le code suivant: Nous sommes le: <#= DataTime.Now.TimeOfDay #>
- Votre fichier devrait ressembler à:
1: <#@ template language="C#" hostspecific="True" debug="True" #>
2: <#@ output extension="txt" #>
4: <#
5: // <copyright file="File1.tt" company="">
6: // Copyright © . All Rights Reserved.
7: // </copyright>
10: #>
12: Nous sommes le: <#= DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay #>
- Pour voir le texte généré, il faut développer (expand) le noeud du fichier et double cliquer sur le sous-fichier.
- Voilà!
Utiliser des paramètres
Il est possible de créer des templates statique ou dynamique. Pour mon projet je voulais pouvoir passer des paramètres à la dernière seconde, donc mon template ce devait d’être dynamique. Dans un des post de Oleg Sych ce dernier spécifie qu’un Custom Host doit être fait pour pouvoir passer des paramètres. Cependant je n’ai pu trouver plus de détails… Afin de faire profiter d’autre personne de mon experience j’ai décider d’écrire ce billet.
Voici donc comment j’y suis parvenu.
En partant du “Hello world” classique je vais le personaliser pour dire bonjour à une personne en particulier. Le nom de cette personne sera le paramètre.
Avant de commencer
Tout d’abord afin de pouvoir faire le Custom Host il faut avoir accès au namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating qui se trouve dans le VS2880 SDK. Donc il faut installer le Visual Studio 2008 SDK (s’il n’est pas présent sur votre poste).
Custom Host
Pour faire le Custom Host j’ai simplement pris le code de Microsoft, il servira de classe de base.
1: //CustomT4EngineHost.cs
3: using System;
4: using System.Collections.Generic;
5: using System.Linq;
6: using System.Text;
7: using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating;
8: using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
9: using System.IO;
11: namespace CustomT4
12: {
13: //The text template transformation engine is responsible for running
14: //the transformation process.
15: //The host is responsible for all input and output, locating files,
16: //and anything else related to the external environment.
17: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18: [Serializable]
19: public class CustomT4EngineHost : MarshalByRefObject, ITextTemplatingEngineHost
20: {
23: //the path and file name of the text template that is being processed
24: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
25: public string TemplateFile
26: {
27: get { return ""; }
28: }
31: //This will be the extension of the generated text output file.
32: //The host can provide a default by setting the value of the field here.
33: //The engine can change this value based on the optional output directive
34: //if the user specifies it in the text template.
35: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
36: private string fileExtensionValue = ".txt";
37: public string FileExtension
38: {
39: get { return fileExtensionValue; }
40: }
43: //This will be the encoding of the generated text output file.
44: //The host can provide a default by setting the value of the field here.
45: //The engine can change this value based on the optional output directive
46: //if the user specifies it in the text template.
47: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
48: private Encoding fileEncodingValue = Encoding.UTF8;
49: public Encoding FileEncoding
50: {
51: get { return fileEncodingValue; }
52: }
54: //These are the errors that occur when the engine processes a template.
55: //The engine passes the errors to the host when it is done processing,
56: //and the host can decide how to display them. For example, the host
57: //can display the errors in the UI or write them to a file.
58: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
59: private CompilerErrorCollection errorsValue;
60: public CompilerErrorCollection Errors
61: {
62: get { return errorsValue; }
63: }
66: //The host can provide standard assembly references.
67: //The engine will use these references when compiling and
68: //executing the generated transformation class.
69: //--------------------------------------------------------------
70: public IList<string> StandardAssemblyReferences
71: {
72: get
73: {
74: return new string[]
75: {
76: //If this host searches standard paths and the GAC,
77: //we can specify the assembly name like this.
78: //---------------------------------------------------------
79: //"System"
81: //Because this host only resolves assemblies from the
82: //fully qualified path and name of the assembly,
83: //this is a quick way to get the code to give us the
84: //fully qualified path and name of the System assembly.
85: //---------------------------------------------------------
86: typeof(System.Uri).Assembly.Location
87: };
88: }
89: }
92: //The host can provide standard imports or using statements.
93: //The engine will add these statements to the generated
94: //transformation class.
95: //--------------------------------------------------------------
96: public IList<string> StandardImports
97: {
98: get
99: {
100: return new string[]
101: {
102: "System"
103: };
104: }
105: }
108: //The engine calls this method based on the optional include directive
109: //if the user has specified it in the text template.
110: //This method can be called 0, 1, or more times.
111: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
112: //The included text is returned in the context parameter.
113: //If the host searches the registry for the location of include files,
114: //or if the host searches multiple locations by default, the host can
115: //return the final path of the include file in the location parameter.
116: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
117: public bool LoadIncludeText(string requestFileName, out string content, out string location)
118: {
119: content = System.String.Empty;
120: location = System.String.Empty;
122: //If the argument is the fully qualified path of an existing file,
123: //then we are done.
124: //----------------------------------------------------------------
125: if (File.Exists(requestFileName))
126: {
127: content = File.ReadAllText(requestFileName);
128: return true;
129: }
131: //This can be customized to search specific paths for the file.
132: //This can be customized to accept paths to search as command line
133: //arguments.
134: //----------------------------------------------------------------
135: else
136: {
137: return false;
138: }
139: }
142: //Passes in the name of a service. If you have that service, you need to
143: //pass back a pointer to it. Otherwise, you need to pass back NULL to
144: //indicate that you have no knowledge of that service.
145: //--------------------------------------------------------------------
146: public object GetHostOption(string optionName)
147: {
148: object returnObject;
149: switch (optionName)
150: {
151: case "CacheAssemblies":
152: returnObject = true;
153: break;
154: default:
155: returnObject = null;
156: break;
157: }
158: return returnObject;
159: }
162: //The engine calls this method to resolve assembly references used in
163: //the generated transformation class project and for the optional
164: //assembly directive if the user has specified it in the text template.
165: //This method can be called 0, 1, or more times.
166: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
167: public string ResolveAssemblyReference(string assemblyReference)
168: {
169: //If the argument is the fully qualified path of an existing file,
170: //then we are done. (This does not do any work.)
171: //----------------------------------------------------------------
172: var _assemblyRef = assemblyReference;
173: if (_assemblyRef.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
174: _assemblyRef = _assemblyRef.Remove(_assemblyRef.Length - 4);
175: if (_assemblyRef.EndsWith(".exe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
176: _assemblyRef = _assemblyRef.Remove(_assemblyRef.Length - 4);
178: foreach (var _assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
179: {
180: var _assemblyName = _assembly.GetName();
181: if (String.Compare(_assemblyName.Name, _assemblyRef, true) == 0 ||
182: String.Compare(_assemblyName.FullName, _assemblyRef, true) == 0)
183: return _assembly.Location;
184: }
185: if (File.Exists(assemblyReference))
186: {
187: return assemblyReference;
188: }
190: //Maybe the assembly is in the same folder as the text template that
191: //called the directive.
192: //----------------------------------------------------------------
193: string candidate = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.TemplateFile), assemblyReference);
194: if (File.Exists(candidate))
195: {
196: return candidate;
197: }
199: //This can be customized to search specific paths for the file
200: //or to search the GAC.
201: //----------------------------------------------------------------
203: //This can be customized to accept paths to search as command line
204: //arguments.
205: //----------------------------------------------------------------
207: //If we cannot do better, return the original file name.
208: return "";
209: }
212: //The engine calls this method based on the directives the user has
213: //specified in the text template.
214: //This method can be called 0, 1, or more times.
215: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
216: public Type ResolveDirectiveProcessor(string processorName)
217: {
218: //This host will not resolve any specific processors.
220: //Check the processor name, and if it is the name of a processor the
221: //host wants to support, return the type of the processor.
222: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
223: if (string.Compare(processorName, "XYZ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
224: {
225: //return typeof();
226: }
228: //This can be customized to search specific paths for the file
229: //or to search the GAC
231: //If the directive processor cannot be found, throw an error.
232: throw new Exception("Directive Processor not found");
233: }
236: //A directive processor can call this method if a file name does not
237: //have a path.
238: //The host can attempt to provide path information by searching
239: //specific paths for the file and returning the file and path if found.
240: //This method can be called 0, 1, or more times.
241: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
242: public string ResolvePath(string fileName)
243: {
244: if (fileName == null)
245: {
246: throw new ArgumentNullException("the file name cannot be null");
247: }
249: //If the argument is the fully qualified path of an existing file,
250: //then we are done
251: //----------------------------------------------------------------
252: if (File.Exists(fileName))
253: {
254: return fileName;
255: }
257: //Maybe the file is in the same folder as the text template that
258: //called the directive.
259: //----------------------------------------------------------------
260: string candidate = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.TemplateFile), fileName);
261: if (File.Exists(candidate))
262: {
263: return candidate;
264: }
266: //Look more places.
267: //----------------------------------------------------------------
268: //More code can go here...
270: //If we cannot do better, return the original file name.
271: return fileName;
272: }
275: //If a call to a directive in a text template does not provide a value
276: //for a required parameter, the directive processor can try to get it
277: //from the host by calling this method.
278: //This method can be called 0, 1, or more times.
279: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
280: public string ResolveParameterValue(string directiveId, string processorName, string parameterName)
281: {
282: if (directiveId == null)
283: {
284: throw new ArgumentNullException("the directiveId cannot be null");
285: }
286: if (processorName == null)
287: {
288: throw new ArgumentNullException("the processorName cannot be null");
289: }
290: if (parameterName == null)
291: {
292: throw new ArgumentNullException("the parameterName cannot be null");
293: }
295: //Code to provide "hard-coded" parameter values goes here.
296: //This code depends on the directive processors this host will interact with.
298: //If we cannot do better, return the empty string.
299: return String.Empty;
300: }
303: //The engine calls this method to change the extension of the
304: //generated text output file based on the optional output directive
305: //if the user specifies it in the text template.
306: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
307: public void SetFileExtension(string extension)
308: {
309: //The parameter extension has a '.' in front of it already.
310: //--------------------------------------------------------
311: fileExtensionValue = extension;
312: }
315: //The engine calls this method to change the encoding of the
316: //generated text output file based on the optional output directive
317: //if the user specifies it in the text template.
318: //----------------------------------------------------------------------
319: public void SetOutputEncoding(System.Text.Encoding encoding, bool fromOutputDirective)
320: {
321: fileEncodingValue = encoding;
322: }
325: //The engine calls this method when it is done processing a text
326: //template to pass any errors that occurred to the host.
327: //The host can decide how to display them.
328: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
329: public void LogErrors(CompilerErrorCollection errors)
330: {
331: errorsValue = errors;
332: }
335: //This is the application domain that is used to compile and run
336: //the generated transformation class to create the generated text output.
337: //----------------------------------------------------------------------
338: public AppDomain ProvideTemplatingAppDomain(string content)
339: {
340: //This host will provide a new application domain each time the
341: //engine processes a text template.
342: //-------------------------------------------------------------
343: return AppDomain.CreateDomain("Generation App Domain");
345: //This could be changed to return the current appdomain, but new
346: //assemblies are loaded into this AppDomain on a regular basis.
347: //If the AppDomain lasts too long, it will grow indefintely,
348: //which might be regarded as a leak.
350: //This could be customized to cache the application domain for
351: //a certain number of text template generations (for example, 10).
353: //This could be customized based on the contents of the text
354: //template, which are provided as a parameter for that purpose.
355: }
357: }
359: }
L’idée est d’avoir une classe host dans laquel on pourra passer notre paramètre. Comme on ne peut pas modifier la classe CustomHost on fera une classe qui hérite de Custom Host et qui implemente notre interface dans où le paramètre est défini.
Ensuite nous avons besoin d’une classe qui définisse notre parameter: CustomT4Parameter.
1: //CustomT4Parameter.cs
3: using System;
4: using System.Collections.Generic;
5: using System.Linq;
6: using System.Text;
8: namespace CustomT4
9: {
10: [Serializable]
11: public class CustomT4Parameter
12: {
13: public CustomT4Parameter() {}
15: private string _Name;
17: public string Name
18: {
19: get { return _Name; }
20: set { _Name = value; }
21: }
22: }
23: }
Afin de faire notre classe host qui nous servira dans notre projet, nous avons besoin d’un Interface qui permetera d’avoir accès à notre paramètre.
1: //ICustomT4Host.cs
3: using System;
4: using System.Collections.Generic;
5: using System.Linq;
6: using System.Text;
8: namespace CustomT4
9: {
10: public interface ICustomT4Host
11: {
12: CustomT4Parameter T4Parameter { get; }
13: }
14: }
Rien de bien compliqué…
1: //T4Host.cs
3: using System;
4: using System.Collections.Generic;
5: using System.Linq;
6: using System.Text;
9: namespace CustomT4
10: {
11: [Serializable]
12: public class T4Host : CustomT4EngineHost, ICustomT4Host
13: {
14: private CustomT4Parameter _T4Parameter;
16: public T4Host(CustomT4Parameter param)
17: {
18: _T4Parameter = param;
19: }
21: #region Members
23: public CustomT4Parameter T4Parameter
24: {
25: get { return _T4Parameter; }
26: }
28: #endregion
29: }
30: }
Maintenant, il nous faut un template. Afin d’accèder à notre paramètre il faut inclure une propriété: T4Param. Une fois ce “Getter” fait nous pouvons avois accès aux propriété du paramètre simplement: <#= T4Param.Name #>
1: //Hello.tt
3: <#@ template language="C#" hostspecific="True" #>
4: <#@ assembly name="System.dll" #>
5: <#@ assembly name="PlayWithT4.exe" #>
6: <#@ import namespace="CustomT4" #>
7: // <autogenerated>
8: // This code was generated by a tool. Any changes made manually will be lost
9: // the next time this code is regenerated.
10: // </autogenerated>
12: using System;
14: public class Hello<#= T4Param.Name #>
15: {
16: public static void SayHello()
17: {
18: Console.WriteLine("Hello <#= T4Param.Name #>!");
19: }
20: }
22: <#+
23: CustomT4Parameter T4Param
24: {
25: get {
26: ICustomT4Host _host = Host as ICustomT4Host;
27: if(_host != null)
28: return _host.T4Parameter;
29: else
30: throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected to find a ClassEntry");
31: }
32: }
33: #>
Tout est prêt, il reste seulement à faire l’appel de l’engine et lui passant le custom host et le template. Je me suis fais un petit Helper histoire de garder le code de la forms le plus simple possible, mais ce n’est pas nécessaire…
1: // TextTemplateHelper.cs
3: using System;
4: using System.IO;
5: using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating;
6: using System.Globalization;
8: namespace CustomT4
9: {
10: [Serializable]
11: public class TextTemplateHelper
12: {
13: public static void ProcessTemplate(string templateFileName, string outputFileName)
14: {
15: ProcessTemplate(templateFileName, outputFileName, new CustomT4EngineHost());
16: }
18: public static void ProcessTemplate(string templateFileName, string outputFileName, CustomT4EngineHost host)
19: {
20: string templateDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(templateFileName);
21: string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(templateDirectory, outputFileName);
23: string template = File.ReadAllText(templateFileName);
24: Engine engine = new Engine();
25: string output = engine.ProcessTemplate(template, host);
27: if (host.Errors.HasErrors)
28: throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot generate template {0}. {1} Error(s). First error is: {2}", templateFileName, host.Errors.Count, host.Errors[0]));
29: else
30: File.WriteAllText(outputFileName, output, host.FileEncoding);
31: }
32: }
33: }