The Last App For The Cloud


MvcScaffolding One-to-Many Relationships par Steve Sanderson

La troisième partie de la série de Steve Sanderson sur le package MvcScaffolding est
MvcScaffolding: One-to-Many Relationships - Steve Sanderson’s blog: "This blog post is part of a series about the MvcScaffolding NuGet package:
Introduction: Scaffold your ASP.NET MVC 3 project with the MvcScaffolding package
Standard usage: Typical use cases and options
This post: One-to-Many Relationships
Coming soon: Customizing the T4 templates
Coming soon: Creating entirely new scaffolders with custom PowerShell logic
Recently I’ve been adding features at a frantic pace, the most significant of which is support for relationships between entities. This means you can quickly create Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) interfaces with drop-down lists, for example to set which “category” a “product” is in, or who is the “manager” or an “employee”."

Le MvcScaffolding expliqué par Steve Sanderson

Récemment est arrivée NuGet, avec sa panoplie de packages.  Un qui avait particulièrement attiré mon attention était le MvcScaffolding.  Ce package permet de générer du code passé sur un modèle.
Dans cet article, Steve Sanderson, explique de façon très claire comment utiliser ce puissant outil. À lire absolument!

MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage: Steve Sanderson’s blog: "MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage
MVC, ScaffoldingJanuary 13th, 2011
This post describes some of the basic functionality you get with the MvcScaffolding package as soon as you install it. First, though, let’s explain a few core concepts. Don’t worry, there aren’t too many strange new concepts…
If this is the first time you’ve heard about MvcScaffolding, check out this other introductory post first.
What is a scaffolder?"

~ Franky