The Power of WordPress and jQuery: 25+ Useful Plugins

jQuery is ideal because it can create impressive animations and interactions while being simple to understand and easy to use. WordPress awesomeness lies in its fact that it can be customized to power any type of site you like! But what happens when you combine the power of jQuery with WordPress, the possibilities are infinite.

This article will share some best practices, examples & Plugins for using the most popular Javascript framework to create unobtrusive, accessible DOM scripting effects for your WordPress site.

Let’s take a look at 25 26 useful, yet rather unknown WordPress Plugins and tutorials using jQuery to its fullest potential.

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1. Infinite Scroll

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Infinite scroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page. There is a little known feature in the .load() method that lets you specify the CSS selector of the html you want to include. jQuery will load in any local URL, then parse the html and grab only the elements you’ve defined with your selector.

Check Out a live demo here

2. jQuery Lightbox

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

This is the Wordpress’s version of the jQuery Lightbox Plugin Used to overlay images on the current page, perfectly working with Wordpress 2.2 or up, and fully compatible with K2!

Download Plugin from here

3. WordPress post information plugin

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

If real estate is a priority in your theme then this plugin can help by showing post meta information on demand by using a JavaScript toggle function.

Download Plugin from here

4. Snazzy Archives

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Snazzy Archives is a visualization plugin for your WordPress site featuring an unique way to display all your posts. You can select different layouts and special effects. Main features of Snazzy Archives are: Unique visual presentation of blog posts, Will work out of the box with all features, Posts are scanned for images and youtube videos and shown together with number of comments, Different editable layouts (HTML and CSS), Special effects using jQuery and more.

Download Plugin from here

5. J Post Slider

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Show your post in fancy jQuery box, rotating images, with show-up text box with post description. Mousover stop the animation, and user can click on post link anytime.

Download Plugin from here

6. WP-Imagefit

Rather than relying on a CSS or HTML-driven approach to resize large or wide images, WP-Imagefit relies on Javascript to proportionately resize images based on the width of the containing column.

Download Plugin from here

7. WP Wall

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

WP Wall is a “Wall” widget that appears in your blog’s side bar. Readers can add a quick comment about the blog as a whole, and the comment will appear in the sidebar immediately, without reloading the page.
All comments are internally handled by WordPress so that means you have normal comment moderation, SPAM protection and new comment notification.

Download Plugin from here

8. jQuery Comment Preview

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Live comment preview without page reboot using a simple HTML-editor.

Download Plugin from here

9. Insights

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Insights brings a powerful new way to write your blog posts. It increases productivity and at the same time quality of your posts by using dynamic AJAX interface which loads the relevant information to your post in just a few seconds. Insights performs following functions in real-time: Interlink your posts, Insert Flickr images, Insert Youtube videos, Search Wikipedia, Search Google, Insert a Google Map and more.

Download Plugin from here

10. µAudio Player

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

µAudio is a slim (450 Bytes!), fast plugin to create a flash mp3 player when mp3 links are clicked. In order to reduce clutter and file transfer, the links are unmodified until they are clicked, at which point a div with the player is faded in after the link. A second click on the link fades the player back out.

Download Plugin from here

11. SimpleModal Contact Form

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered modal contact form. It utilizes the jQuery JavaScript library and the SimpleModal jQuery plugin. SMCF has options to include certain contact form elements, like a Subject field and “Send me a copy” option for the sender.

Download Plugin from here

12. Events Calendar

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Events-Calendar is a diverse replacement for the original calendar included with WordPress adding many useful functions to keep track of your events.

Download Plugin from here

13. µMint Plugin

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

µMint is a slim plugin to integrate statistics from Shaun Inman’s Mint statistics package into Wordpress.

Download Plugin from here

14. Shockingly Big IE6 Warning

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

The Shockingly Big IE6 Warning is a plugin that shows a warning message alerting the user why is bad to use IE6, the security risk and the bad compatibility of Web Standards.

Download Plugin from here

15. WP-Slimbox2 Plugin

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

A WordPress implementation of the stellar Slimbox2 script by Christophe Beyls (an enhanced clone of the Lightbox script) which utilizes the jQuery library to create an impressive image overlay with slide-out effects. Almost all options are configurable from the administration panel.

Download Plugin from here

16. Live Blogroll

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Live Blogroll will make your blogroll livelier. It will show a number of ‘recent posts’ for each link in your Blogroll using Ajax. When the user hovers the mouse above the link, RSS feed from the site is automatically discovered and a number of recent posts is shown dynamically in a box.

Download Plugin from here

17. PhotoXhibit

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

This plugin uses photos from your Flickr, Picasa, and/or SmugMug accounts as well as allows you to upload and build Albums to help you build inviting Photo Galleries on your site using the most popular JavaScript based gallery plugins. This plugin is not yet compatible with WordPress2.7

Download Plugin from here

18. Wordpress Sidebar Turned Apple-Flashy Using jQuery UI

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

A tutorial to show you how to create Accordion plugin in jQuery UI to get the sidebar on the Apple Startpage and be able to show and hide it at your pleasure as well.

Check Out the demo here

19. How To Create WordPress Tabs Using jQuery

Tabbed sidebar elements makes users simply click a tab to quickly access various parts of your site. This tutorial will teach you how to do this in your WordPress blog using jQuery.

Check Out the demo here

<div class="tabbed">
<!-- The tabs -->
<ul class="tabs">
<li class="t1"><a class="t1 tab" title="<?php _e('Tab 1'); ?>"><?php _e('Tab 1'); ?></a></li>
<li class="t2"><a class="t2 tab" title="<?php _e('Tab 2'); ?>"><?php _e('Tab 2'); ?></a></li>
<li class="t3"><a class="t3 tab" title="<?php _e('Tab 3'); ?>"><?php _e('Tab 3'); ?></a></li>
<li class="t4"><a class="t4 tab" title="<?php _e('Tab 4'); ?>"><?php _e('Tab 4'); ?></a></li>

<!-- tab 1 -->
<div class="t1">
<!-- Put what you want in here. For the sake of this tutorial, we'll make a list. -->
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>

<!-- tab 2 -->
<div class="t2">
<!-- Or, we could put a paragraph -->
<p>This is a paragraph about the jQuery tabs tutorial.</p>

<!-- tab 3 -->
<div class="t3">
<!-- Or, we could add a div -->
<div>Something needs to go in here!</div>

<!-- tab 4 -->
<div class="t4">
<!-- Why not put a few images in here? -->
<img src="image.gif" alt="Sample" />
<img src="image.gif" alt="Sample" />
<img src="image.gif" alt="Sample" />

</div><!-- tabbed -->

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Another great tutorial by Nettuts teaching us how to Create A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery.

Check Out a live demo here

20. jQuery Reply to Comment

Add “reply” and “quote” features on each comment list. If you have jQuery installed on you blog, this Plugin add two link in each comments list (on single page). This plugin can auto include jQuery from Google Ajax API repository.

Download Plugin from here

21. My Page Order

My Page Order allows you to set the order of pages through a drag and drop interface. The default method of setting the order page by page is extremely clumsy, especially with a large number of pages. jQuery is used a smooth for drag and drop effect.

Download Plugin from here

22. Wordpress Featured Post Slideshow

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Learn how to create an animated featured posts section in WordPress

Download Plugin from here

23. GD Star Rating plugin

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up rating system for posts, pages and comments in your blog. You can set many options for displaying the rating stars, and also add widgets into the sidebars for displaying top ratings and other statistics generated by the plugin.

Download Plugin from here

24. Create a featured posts slider in Wordpress using jFlow

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

Many premium themes feature cool featured content sliding areas, where the latest posts appear. There is one such plugin, built around the Mootools library, but in this tutorial you will learn how to do this using jFlow jQuery plugin. It will also automatically scroll. Of course, this can easily be modified to use the navigation buttons as well.

Demo of the jFlow plugin can be seen here

25. Adding Form Validation to WordPress Comments using jQuery

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

When it comes to simpler user experience, having your form validation happen instantly on the same page is a lot cleaner than reloading pages and possibly losing some form content. In this tutorial you will learn how to use jQuery to do some instant checking on an example comment form.

Demo can be seen here

26. Using jQuery to liven up your WordPress login

Using jQuery With WordPress: 30+ Encrideble Plugins

A quick method of simplifying the clients login process using jQuery lightbox.

Demo can be seen here

The Power of WordPress and jQuery: 25+ Useful Plugins & Tutorials


Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:21:34 GMT

Le nouveau guide d'architecture Mobile de poche

Le 14 janvier dernier, le guide d'architecture Mobile de poche (traduction libre de:The Mobile Architecture Pocket Guide) a été redistribuer dans sa nouvelle version 1.1.

Le guide d'architecture Mobile de poche  fournit une vue d'ensemble et des conseils normatifs pour concevoir des applications Mobiles sur la plate-forme de .NET.  

Ce guide fait parti  des Microsoft Best patterns & practices et  est maintenu dans le projet p&p: Application Architecture Guide 2.0 Knowledge Base.

Vous pouvez télécharger ce guide ici

Les changements principaux de cette mise à jour sont:

  • Mieux adapter le guide pour la réalité du Mobile.
  • Amélioré la figure de l'application Mobile canonique.
  • Élaboré sur le "pourquoi" et raisonnement de certaines décisions.
  • Élaboration sur manipuler les connections.

~ Franky


Web Design Resources I Use

Read on : Ajaxian Blog

This website contains the content, tools and resources I use to create websites: Javascript, Grid stuff, Icons, CSS, Apps, Flash. All the content listed here is free for commercial use unless marked as "payware."

read more | digg story

Recherche du parfait lecteur de flux RSS

Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais moi j'aime bien avoir ma dose de blogues quotidienne. J'ai essayé plusieurs applications et j'ai enfin trouvé le lecteur de flux (Rss reader) de rêve: FeedDemon.
Ce que je cherchais est un lecteur qui puisse être utilisé en mode déconnecté avec les images. De plus, je voulais qu'il soit une façon de se synchroniser sur plusieurs postes. J’ai essayé plusieurs applications, voici donc le récit de mes essaies.


1- Google Reader

image Bien sûr j’ai essayé Google Reader.  J’ai beaucoup (et j’utilise encore) les Shared Items pour partager des nouvelles à mes “friends” .  Disponible de partout, car il est une application web c’était merveilleux…

Cependant, le mode déconnecté ne permet pas d'avoir les images.  De plus, il ne permet pas de spécifier ou on sauvegarde les fichiers.



2-  Scoop

image Scoop est une application qui utilise la technologie AIR d’Adobe. IL est donc portable sur tous les systèmes et il est très beau. Lors de la mise à jour des fils, l’application semble geler. L’application étant jeune, il faut surveiller la sortie de la prochaine version.



3- Omea Reader

image Très complet comme toutes les application de la compagnie JetBrains, Omea Reader est rapide, l’interface est super et configurable.  C’est le mode déconnecté encore une fois qui est le problème.  Enfin selon ce que je cherchais… ;)





4- FeedDemon - NewsGator

FeedDemon est légé et l’interface est soignée.  Il offre une excellente gestion des posts.  Vous pouvez “flager” certaines nouvelles pour y revenir plus tard.  Vous pouvez également les mettres dans un répertoire  pour les conserver (clipings).






Il permet aussi de facilement partager les posts que vous désirez en offrant un lien avec et Digg.  Ou si vous avez Windows Live Writer il peut automatiquement créer un post sur votre blog concernant la nouvelle que vous lisez.




Il offre plusieurs options pour le mode déconnecté, pour faire le ménage des anciens post, faire des recherches, avoir de rapports sur vos lecture et vous avez même une option de FeedStation pour le téléchargement des vidéos et autre média.

image De plus, il offre la possibilité de synchroniser avec NewsGator l’équivalent de FeedDemon mais online.  De ce fait, vous pouvez continuer de lire vos nouvelles sur n’importe quel ordinateur.  Plusieurs options pour la synchronisation sont possibles, donc vous pouvez choisir quel fils seront inclus ou exclus.

Comme si ce n’était pas assez NewsGator offre d’autres produits!  Tel que:


  • NetNewsWire pour iPhone
  • NewsGator Go! pour Mobile
  • NetNewsWire pour Mac
  • NewsGator Inbox pour Microsoft Outlook
  • Free Tools pour amélioré votre l’expérience newsgator ;)


Voilà, si vous connaissez d’autre application laisser un commentaire!


~ Franky


Liens intéressants:

Lego announces line of digital cameras, PMPs, etc. for your teeny human friends

It shouldn’t be only for kids ;p

Lego's just announced that it's teamed with Digital Blue to bring out a line of digital cameras, PMPs, and walkie talkies for children. As you can see, the products will have the familiar "Lego" look to them (though not constructed out of actual bricks), and though we haven't heard anything in the way of specs yet, they're said to be arriving this summer with prices ranging from $19 - $60. Our opinion of these is currently hanging out in the "not really excited" file, but outfit these suckers a set of wheels and we'll probably be sold. Second photo after the break.

Continue reading Lego announces line of digital cameras, PMPs, etc. for your teeny human friends

Filed under: Digital Cameras, Portable Audio

Lego announces line of digital cameras, PMPs, etc. for your teeny human friends originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 02:01:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.