Revu des MSDN Webcast sur Windows Mobile pour l’année 2008

image L’année 2008 a été fructueuse pour la technologie mobile.  Le nombre d’article et de vidéo disponible sur internet ont grandement augmenté.  Entre autres, Constanze Roman (Windows Mobile Community PM), Maarten Struys (MVP) et Jim Wilson ont fait de très belles et instructives vidéos qui sont toujours disponibles sur demande. 

Voici donc la liste (en espérant que je n’en oublie pas):

Windows Mobile Webcast Series – Getting Ready for Tech Ed

24 Hours of Windows Mobile Application Development

À ne pas manquer en janvier 2009

Bon visionnement et à l’année prochaine!

~ Franky


A New Start / Un nouveau départ

I start this blog to keep notes of some works or to have a better understanding of some technologies.  You "probably" notice my English is not perfect, and this is because it's not my primary language.  I was doing this blog in English to improve my skill, but now with my new job, the new schedule and everything, I found that it's to much.  I will continue to do my blog but in french.


J'ai commencé ce bog pour garder des notes des petits projets que j'ai fais, sans prétention.  J'avais décidé d'écrire en Anglais pour me pratiquer.  Après avoir essayer quelques temps je trouve difficile de bien expliquer en Anglais.  De plus je trouves qu'il manque de ressource francophone sur le net, donc je continuerai mon blog mais en français.

~ Franky

No more "Post-in" on you're screen

As long as I remember I always want to keep information close to my workspace.  I try the little bloc-note, but I was unable to keep one note on top...  So I switch to post-it, you can easily imagine what my screen look like.   But recently I found "the thing".  I will not anymore stick post-it on my screen but in my screen.

Stickies is a little application done by Zhorn Software. This nice application is a virtual post-it manager.  A simple double click on the little post-it icon place in you're tray and a new post-it appear on you're screen.  The post-it is fully cutomizable.  You can create different style that regroup paper color, font, etc.




You can attach a alarm to the note and put it to sleep.  So if you want to call you're Mom for her birtday you just need to create a new note and specify the date...  Then the note will popup shaking and buzzing just n time.   

Another nice feature is the network share.  You cant create as it's call some friends.  Those friends can have e-mail address and ip or network name.  Then by right-clicking you can share one or all note to one specific person or to all you're friends.  You can event configure it to sync with you're mobile device!

That it.  Let go and try it you will see it could be a great tools.

~ Franky