Reading Notes #68

[…]Shan McArthur has a great blog post on the difference between an Image and a Disk. […]
[…]APIs exposed for developing applications are consistent with those of the public cloud service, making it easy to develop applications for either and switch between the two. […]


Reading Notes #67

[…]Read this getting started tutorial to walkthrough how you can build (in less than 5 minutes) a simple Windows 8 “To-do List” app that is cloud enabled using Windows Azure Mobile Services. Or watch this video of me showing how to do it step by step.[…]


  • Why Mocking Matters - Nice explanation of what the differences are between fakes, stubs and mocks.
[…]This is easy to do with Telerik JustMock. I wrote about using JustMock to get you started in From Legacy to Dependency Injection. […]
[…]This is called rubber duck debugging, because you could have solved the problem by explaining it to a rubber duck on your desk. […]


Three New Advanced Windows Azure Virtual Workshops

You did the boot camp and the regular workshops but you still looking for more?
Be ready, starting October 15, a new advanced Windows Azure virtual workshop serie is starting. I will be there to answer all you questions in the chat with the Windows Azure Canadian Community Experts!

Workshop #1 Cloud Variations

October 15 – Cloud Variation

Explore Windows Azure’s infrastructure options – Cloud Services, Virtual Machines, and Websites. Through comparing and contrasting the options, you will walk away from the workshop better equipped to choose the right option for different solutions.

Register today:

October 22 - Building Connected Apps with Windows Azure

Discover how the various Windows Azure services can be integrated into apps to extend their functionality. You will learn how to address common needs such as computing capabilities, storage, authentication, and more. To demonstrate concepts, this workshop focuses on Windows 8 and Windows Phone, though concepts can be applied to any platform including Android and iOS.

Register today:

October 29 - Migrating Apps to Windows Azure

Explore approaches to migrating applications, walk through concerns and considerations to take into account while planning a migration, and learn how to implement a migration plan to move applications from on-premises (or traditional hosting) to Windows Azure.

Register today:

Go deeper and learn more! For more Info you can go on the Windows Azure Virtual Workshops.

Reading Notes #66 - CLOUD-FISHING, Published April 27, 2012Cloud

Reading Notes #65

You Can Tell a Lot About Developers From Their Scratchpads



[…]"When my sock drawer is perfectly folded, sorted and lined up, I know that I am out of control in my life." […]


Reading Notes #64

[…]Microsoft IT Showcase recently published an article with details of our experience [download Using Windows Azure to Create a Multi-Platform Application][…]

