- HTML5 + Cloud = Elasticity² (David Pallmann) - In this post David Pallman continue is explanation of relation between frontend and backend by explaining how both of them need scalability today.
- Skipping Windows Azure Startup Tasks When Running in the Emulator - Quick clean and easy.
- Key Concepts Associated with Windows Azure Development - Nice post, explaining some important notions.
- Eight cloud computing risks, and how to quash them - Good post, that help having more element when answering some frequently ask questions about moving to the cloud.
- NuGet push... to Windows Azure - wow this “PoC” is impressive. It’s amazing what we can do we NuGet
- Use the Windows Azure CDN for Assets (Brian Hitney) - Nicely explain.
- Best Practices for Leveraging Windows Azure Service Bus Brokered Messaging API - A lot of info in this great post.
- Message-oriented Architectures (Updated) - Everything you should know about message oriented architecture.
- Scaling Facebook Applications in the Azure Cloud – A Success Story and Lessons Learned (allandcp) - 2 success stories
- Windows Azure and SQL Azure Tutorials - nice tutorial to implement oData in Azure project.
- Automating Azure 1.4 Packaging using MSBuild and CSPack - Continuous integration in Azure is not strait forward. This post will help to pass truth.
- Setting up a NuGet repository in seconds: MyGet public feeds - That could be very useful. Even more when your team is split across the globe.
- September 2011 Release of the Ajax Control Toolkit (stephenwalther.com) - as usual great features like Gravatar control, Twitter Control and a better Date picker added by Stephen’s team.
- New Features in the Entity Framework June CTP - New features: enum now supported, table-valued function(TVF) kind of store procedure usable with Linq, multiple result from a store procedure and by able to cache a compiled version of the Linq query. Even the geo localisation reach the EF.
- Development Is Design - If you think that rounded window corners or cutesy animations are design... read this post. It's decoration. The development is design....
- Build Great Experiences on Any Device with OData - One of the best post I read about oData.
- Large Ruby File Downloads Done Right! – Well done.