Showing posts with label dataverse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dataverse. Show all posts

Reading Notes #560

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week. 

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!

The suggestion of the week


Low Code




Reading Notes #558

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week. 

If you have interesting content, share it!





  • Remote Versus Local Development with Mike Brevoort (Screaming in the Cloud) - Remote or not remote, that's the question... right? Interesting discussion around a polarized question.
  • DevPod for Dev Containers (DevOps and Docker Talk) - I heard of DevPod before, but it wasn't stable enough for my occasional usage. But now it looks just perfect! Looking forward to trying it!
  • Blazor Web Assembly by Example with Toi B. Wright (Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman) - You can hear the passion in her voice! I'm sure the book is excellent, plus I love the idea of picking only the part that you want/ need and not missing anything.