Reading Notes #399


  • Azure DevOps Roadmap update for 2019 Q4 (Gloridel Morales) - Since the multi-stage pipeline launch in May, the team as been listening to his community. In this post learn more about what they have been working on and what is their roadmap.


  • Code Comments (Donn Felker) - Very smart idea! I'm staring using that rule right away.
  • Microservices Fundamentals (Mark Heath) - New course on Pluralsight about an indeed challenging topic. This post shares the plan of that Microservices course.
  • Stop Waiting! Start using Async and Await! (Simon Hawe) - Learn the power of async in this excellent post. The example may be in Python the idea is the same however language we are using.



Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, And Build a Successful Business

Author: Pat Flynn

I really like this book, and planning to read it again soon. I like the way things are simply explained. Like if you deconstructed a situation and then re-building it. It felt authentic and true. It's nothing transcending, but the way it is explained is great.


Let's the adventure beginning!

It's coming!  I'm not talking about winter here but I'm about Microsoft Ignite. One of the biggest Microsoft events for the DevOps and Dev amount us. This 4 days long event is a fantastic opportunity to get up to date with your favorite technology, learn the best practices, get certified and meet tons of experts to talk about your projects!

This year it's very special for me because I have the great pleasure to be part of the adventure, I will be presenting two sessions that are part of the Learning Paths.

Learning Path is a series of connected learning modules that include sessions, hands-on experiences, technical workshops, certifications, and expert connections. Learning Path’s work together to build upon what you’ve learned to provide a comprehensive set of skills to help you reach your goals.

Figuring out Azure Functions (AFUN95)
Tailwind Traders is curious about the concept behind “serverless” computing – the idea that they can run small pieces of code in the cloud, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. In this session, we cover the world of Azure Functions, starting with an explanation of the servers behind serverless, exploring the languages and integrations available, and ending with a demo of when to use Logic Apps and Microsoft Flow.

Options for building and running your app in the cloud (APPS10)
See how Tailwind Traders avoided a single point of failure using cloud services to deploy their company website to multiple regions. We cover all the options they considered, explain how and why they made their decisions, then dive into the components of their implementation. In this session, see how they used Microsoft technologies like Visual Studio Code, Azure Portal, and Azure CLI to build a secure application that runs and scales on Linux and Windows VMs and Azure Web Apps with a companion phone app.

But wait, there is more...

For the second time, after the Microsoft Ignite "the event", will starts another event a tour! This year, it is thirty (30) cities that Microsoft Ignite The Tour will visits! All continents, except for Antarctica (why?! 😉), will be visited. Check the complete list of the cities on the website and mark the dates on your calendar!

I will also be presenting many different sessions during this tour. While I'm not doing all of them, I'll be present on many occasions.

Looking forward to meeting you

So if you are planning to go to one of those events, and would like to meet to talk about your project, show some bugs, ask questions, or just to chat! Reach-out, It's ALWAYS a pleasure, and I'll bring some stickers and some special swag1 with me...

Drop me a message on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

1: Follow me on Twitter to know more about this ;)

Reading Notes #398





10-Minute Focus: 25 Habits for Mastering Your Concentration and Eliminating Distractions 

(Daniel Walter)

Nothing new here but it's clear and very well explained. Honestly it good to revisit those productivity/ focus habits... It helps to stay on our toes...