- The next generation of Azure Alerts has arrived (Kiran Madnani) - This is good news, alerts are an important piece of any serious system.
- Know your Azure Subscription Quota and Usage (Wriju Ghosh) - Because waiting until it breaks is probably not the option you are looking for... It's a good idea to know your quotas first.
- A Beginner’s Guide to Testing Blockchain Applications (Kayleigh Oliver) - You have a project that could use blockchain and you are asking yourself what's next? This post is for you.
- Building Container Images Securely on Kubernetes (Jessie Frazelle) - Excellent post that digs into some security process with containers.
- Entity Framework Core and NHibernate: Understand the Similarities and Differences (Ricardo Peres) - Interesting comparison between two well knows framework at this new age of .Net Core.
- MVC vs Razor Pages - A quick comparison (Jon Hilton) - Interesting post that compares two architecture. However, all the unit-test and mocking/ dependency injection were not included...Nevertheless it worth reading f you hare new in .Net Core development.
- Making an Azure static website EVEN MORE secure (Julian M Bucknall) - This post is like a pleasant journey in the security word. You will probably learn a lot, just like the author did (and myself obviously)
- Azure Cosmos DB training webinars - Cosmo DB is gaining in popularity. It's time to boost your skill check this webinar/ on-demand training.
- Capturing Power BI queries using DAX Studio (Marco Russo) - Great post that gets us started on ways to find optimization for our Power Bi. Not enough people know about DaxStudio, have a look it's free!
- Coming soon to Power BI: Common Data Service for Analytics (Arun Ulag) - Looking forward to trying that as it definitely looks promising.