- AzCopy on Linux now generally available (Sercan Guler) - AZCopy is a must. These new features are just awesome.
- Azure Functions Recipes (Anthony Chu) - Have a look, there a recipe for every situation... And if its not there, well ask for it, they may add it!
- Create new Azure App Service using Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio (Abhijit Jana) - They're so many ways to do one thinks, there's one that fit your needs for sure. This post shows one I didn't know about... Did you?
- Creating RazorPage apps using the CLI (Shayne Boyer) - Cool slick optimization.
- Docker Compose and Kubernetes with Docker for Desktop - Docker Blog (Mike Coleman) - This post explains an awesome integration. It's time to upgrade our version to get that!
- Why Developers Should Install WSL Today (Matt Hyon, August Banks) - I love WSL (aka Bash on Windows). It has evolved, and become something much more. After ready this post you will either install it right away or smile because it's already installed.
- Why Responsive Web Design? (Chris Love) - A nice post that explains clearly why you really need to think responsive design, even more in 2018.
- 346: The Way to Build Relationships at Conferences (Dave StaChowiak, Robbie Samuels) - Great episode. I got so many "me too" and "ah ah". Looking Foward to read the book.
- The RULES of Blogging (Darren Rowse) - If you are already bloging, or thinking about starting, take two minutes and watch this short video... The rules are.... Simple.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
Author: Simon Sinek
- Fantastic book. To read a read-again to really capture and validate our path, our why.