I was really happy to ear about Microsoft Azure Data Center that will be built in Canada. And it was definitely not only good thing that was published this week...

Suggestion of the week
- Create Multi-Geo Environments using Azure Resource Manager (Alexandre Brisebois) - Very interesting experience with ARM. The result is explosive.
- Press Release - Fantastic news!
- MCSD: Azure Solutions Architect - Announced at Build, here is the detail about the new Azure certification.
- New Azure Infrastructure Services Implementation Guidelines (Joe Davies) - Great new! A free guideline for the IaaS.
- Import Sample Data to Azure DocumentDB (Stephen Baron) - Document playground is not the only tools available to get started. This post introduces the Data Migration tool.
- Spotlight Resources - This post lists some of the useful tools that can help you when working with Azure.
- Use the Azure Resource Manager Copy Operation to Deploy Duplicates - Always exploring the possibility with ARM, Alexandre Brisebois show us how to be very productive when deploying.
- Azure data services part 1 HDInsight (Alice Waddicor) - Nice introduction post about HDInsight.
- Microsoft to open data centres in Toronto and Quebec City (David Shum) - Watch this great announcement about the new Azure data center...in Canada!
- BREAKPOINT: Know Your App Inside and Out with Application Insights (Lachezar Arabadzhiev) - Great show about a great tool.
- Application Insights Pricing Effective June 1 (Dale Koetke) - Nice post that explains the cost and features.
- Announcing Custom Origin Support for Azure CDN (Manling Zhang) - Nice announce of a more convenient solution, more flexible.
- Microsoft to open data centres in Toronto and Quebec City (David Shum) - Watch the recorded video of the TV announcement.
- Was This Trip Really Necessary? (Rod Vagg) - Interesting thoughts about the Node's journey.
- New Titan DB offering from ClearDB (ron Tardif) - Aah! I know a lot of WordPress users that will be very happy with this news.
- And the Release Date for Windows 10 Is... (Paul Thurrott) - The official date is finally out!
- Totally stressed out? Sync to Paper (Scott Hanselman) - ... And I thought I was different. ;)
- Visual Studio Time Saver – Presenting code in PowerPoint (David McCarter) - If you do technical presentation, this tool is a must!
- What's the deal with Windows 10 for the Non-Technical Friend (Scott Hanselman) - Because we are the head of IT support for our friends and family...
- Speaker style bingo: 10 presentation anti-patterns - This post provides a list of nice tips to be a better and more organize presenter.