Reading Notes #278




  • Designing a Conversation (Alexandre Brisebois) - Interesting post that digs into the paradox where "us", humans have been communicated since our beginnings but still have trouble doing it, now we want to plan ahead and architect communication with machines.
  • Introduction to Microsoft To-Do (Gunnar Peipman) - Interesting app Microsoft finally did his ToDo service.

Reading Notes #277




  • Bots are the new Apps – Part 2 (Alexandre Brisebois) - This post asks a lot of questions. .Bots are could be very powerful but are they easy to build? Iterate, test, fail, learn, and try again.

Two Ways To Build a Recursive Logic App

Mostly everything is possible. It's always a question of how much time and energy we have. The other day I was building an Azure Logic App, and need it to make it recursive. First, I thought that couldn't be a problem because we can easily call a Logic APP from another one. This is right, nested Logic App is possible, but it's only possible to call another one. The "compilator" doesn't allow to do recursive call. I quickly found a workaround, but the day after I came to a cleaner solution.

In this post, I will share both ways to create a recursive call of a Logic App.

Commun Parts

Let's assume that our goal is to crawl a folder structure. It could be in any file connector: DroxBox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. For this post, I will use Sharepoint Online connector.

First, let's create our Logic App. Use the Http Request-Response template.

  1. Our Logic App will receive the folder path, that it needs to process, as a parameter. This is easily done by defining a JSON schema in the Request trigger.
        "$schema": "",
        "properties": {
            "FolderName": {
            "type": "string"
        "type": "object"
  2. To list all the content of the current folder. Add an action List folder from the SharePoint Online connector. The File identifier should be the trigger parameter: FolderName.

    Note: You need to edit the code behind for this action. I notice a strange behavior with space in the folder path.

    The current code should look like this:
    "path": "/datasets/@{encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(''))}/folders/@{encodeURIComponent(triggerBody()?['FolderName'])}" 

    Change it by doubling the encodeURIComponent
    "path": "/datasets/@{encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(''))}/folders/@{encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(triggerBody()?['FolderName']))}" 
  3. For each element returned we need to check if it's a folder. One property of the returned object is IsFolder, we just need to use it in our condition:
    @equals(bool(item()?['IsFolder']), bool('True'))
    1. If it's a folder, we need to do some recursive call passing the path of the current folder to FolderName.
    2. Otherwise, when it's a file, do some process.


Method 1: The quick and easy

Since we are forced to call a different Logic App, let's clone our Logic App. Close the editor and click the Clone button, name it FolderCrawler2.


Now we need to edit both Logic apps by adding a call to the other one. FolderCrawler is calling FolderCrawler2 and FolderCrawler2 calls FolderCrawler.


This method is really just a workaround, but it works perfectly. What I like about it is that it uses all the Intellisense at our disposal in the editor. Obviously, the big disadvantage is the code duplication.

Method 2: The Clean and light

The real way to do a recursive call is to use the URL from the Request in an HTTP POST call. Than in the body pass a JSON matching the schema containing the Path value.


I hope you enjoy this little post. If you think of another way to do recursive call or if you have some questions, let me know!