Showing posts with label Nuget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuget. Show all posts

Four Simple Tips to Improve your Asp.Net MVC Project

When it's time to do the re-factoring of a solution, it's always a good idea to clean the code before doing any re-factoring. In this post, I will share with you simple but very efficient ways to improve your solution.

1- Forget the magic string

By default in Asp.Net MVC magic strings are used every where.
return View("Index");
@Html.ActionLink("Delete Dinner", "Delete", "Dinners", new { id = Model.DinnerID }, null)

Nothing bad here, but nothing will tell you that to did a typo, or that the method name as changed. This is where T4MVC will become a great tool do add to all your project.

To add it a simple Nuget command is enough: Install-Package T4MVC. By doing this a T4 file ( will be added to your project that will generates a number of files. These generated files will simplify your life and gives you the opportunity to code using strongly type.

Here are few transformations:
// Before ----------------
  return View("Index");

// After with T4MVC
  return View(Views.Index);
An action link in a view.
// Before ----------------
  @Html.ActionLink("Delete Product", "Delete", "Products", new { id = Model.ProductID }, null)

// After with T4MVC
  @Html.ActionLink("Delete Product", MVC.Products.Delete(Model.ProductID))

An Ajax call.
// Before ----------------
<%= Ajax.ActionLink( "RSVP for this event",
                 "Register", "RSVP",
                 new { id=Model.DinnerID }, 
                 new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId="rsvpmsg", OnSuccess="AnimateRSVPMessage" }) %>

// After with T4MVC
<%= Ajax.ActionLink( "RSVP for this event",
                 new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId="rsvpmsg", OnSuccess="AnimateRSVPMessage" }) %>

A redirection.
// Before ----------------
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = product.ProductID });

// After with T4MVC
return RedirectToAction(MVC.Products.Details(product.ProductID));

When writing the code, it gives you intellisense where you normally would not have any. At compile time, it validates all the code so no typo or other misspelling errors are present.

2- Clean your views

You know all those "@using" on the top of each views that we copy over and over... It's time to remove them. The way to do it is by moving them to the web.config file in the "Views" folder.

web.config location

So you can move the namespaces used globally
@using Microsoft.Security.Application
@using System.Globalization;

by including them to this section:
  <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
      <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
      <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />

      <add namespace="Microsoft.Security.Application" />
      <add namespace="System.Globalization" />


3- Don't lose time debugging

To many people are losing time debugging their application or web site. Start using Glimpse right away! This will provide information in real time across all layers of your application from the UI to the server and database side. Perfect to know everything that happen on a click of a button: javascript validation, controller code and even the query in the database.

Install it in ten seconds with the Nuget command manager and pick the version you need.

PM> Install-Package Glimpse

Glimpse is secure and is configured to be accessible only from localhost by default. But don't trust me and try it by yourself, or go check this one minute Glimpse Heads Up Display youtube video.

4- Start monitoring your website health and usage

Move your website on Microsoft Azure and use the Application Insights. This will gives you the opportunity to monitor that availability, performance and usage of your live application.

Add Application Insights

To add it you got many possibilities, one of them from Visual Studio 2013, just right-click on the project and select Add Application Insights Telemetry, and voilà!

Now you just need to run or deploy the website and after few minutes or so you will have plenty of information, graphs waiting for you in the Azure Portal.


You will find a lot of information about Application Insights on the Microsoft Azure

Wrapping up

I hope it will help you, thanks for reading. Any comments, suggestions and/or questions are welcome.

~ Frank Boucher


Upgrade an Application Windows Azure OS Family

Recently I add to upgrade an web site running in Azure Webrole from Azure OS famille 1.6 to a more recent version. While the migration was not complicated I encounter some little particularity that I found could be interesting to share.

The Context

The website was a Visual Studio 2010 project using Azure SDK 1.6 and a library call AspNetProvider that was part of Microsoft's sample few years ago to manage session and membership. Using the AspNetProvider library the session was saved in Azure blob storage, and the membership was saved in an SQL database.

The Goal

The application must stay a Visual Studio 2010 project, but using the most-recent Azure SDK and Azure Storage Client as possible.

The Solution

  • Azure SDK 2.1
  • Azure.StorageClient 4.0
  • Universal Provider version 2.1
  • OS famille 4

The Journey

Migration from SDK 1.6 to SDK 2.1

Azure SDK version 2.1 is the higher version compatible with Visual Studio 2010. And can be downloaded from Microsoft's website. Once it is installed, just open the project in Visual Studio and right-click on the Azure Project. By clicking on the upgrade button the magic will happen. Some errors could stay but the hard work will be done for you.

Migration from AspNetProvider to UniversalProvider

we need to remove all reference to the AspNetProvider library. Just expand the resources node in the Solution Explorer and delete the reference. One thing important is that since we are using Visual Studio 2010 the latest version of the UniversalProvider we can use is 1.2. More recent version are using .Net 4.5 and this is not compatible with the present solution. To get the reference added to the project just execute the following Nugget command:
Install-Package UniversalProvider -version 1.2

Check the web.config file to clean the membership connections.

Migration of the Azure Storage Client

This one is the easiest, just remove the reference in the reference node and then execute the following Nugget Command:
Install-Package Azure.Storage.Client

Migration of the membership data

The AspNetProvider was using prefixed SQL tables: aspnet_user, aspnet_membership, etc. The new membership manager is using another sets of tables. We must migrate the data from one set to the other one. Here a SQL script that will to exactly that. The script can be run multiple times because it will only copie the unmoved data.
-- ========================================================
-- Description:    Migrate data from asp_* tables 
--                 to the new table used by Universal provider
-- ========================================================


-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Applications -------------------------------------------

INSERT INTO dbo.Applications (ApplicationName, ApplicationId, Description)
    SELECT    n.ApplicationName, n.ApplicationId, n.Description 
    FROM    dbo.aspnet_Applications o 
    LEFT    JOIN dbo.Applications n ON o.ApplicationId = n.ApplicationId
    WHERE    n.ApplicationId IS NULL

SELECT @CNT_NewTable = Count(1) from dbo.Applications 
SELECT @CNT_OldTable = Count(1) from aspnet_Applications

PRINT 'Application Count: ' + CAST(@CNT_NewTable AS VARCHAR) + ' = ' + CAST(@CNT_OldTable AS VARCHAR)

-- -------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Roles --------------------------------------------------

INSERT INTO dbo.Roles (ApplicationId, RoleId, RoleName, Description)
SELECT    o.ApplicationId, o.RoleId, o.RoleName, o.Description 
FROM    dbo.aspnet_Roles o
LEFT JOIN dbo.Roles n ON o.RoleId = n.RoleId

SELECT @CNT_NewTable = Count(1) from dbo.Roles 
SELECT @CNT_OldTable = Count(1) from aspnet_Roles

PRINT 'Roles Count : ' + CAST(@CNT_NewTable AS VARCHAR) + ' = ' + CAST(@CNT_OldTable AS VARCHAR)

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Users --------------------------------------------------

INSERT INTO dbo.Users (ApplicationId, UserId, UserName, IsAnonymous, LastActivityDate)
SELECT o.ApplicationId, o.UserId, o.UserName, o.IsAnonymous, o.LastActivityDate 
FROM dbo.aspnet_Users o LEFT JOIN dbo.Users n ON o.UserId = n.UserID 

SELECT @CNT_NewTable = Count(1) from dbo.Users 
SELECT @CNT_OldTable = Count(1) from aspnet_Users

PRINT 'Users count: ' + CAST(@CNT_NewTable AS VARCHAR) + ' >= ' + CAST(@CNT_OldTable AS VARCHAR)

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Memberships --------------------------------------------

INSERT INTO dbo.Memberships (ApplicationId, UserId, Password, 
PasswordFormat, PasswordSalt, Email, PasswordQuestion, PasswordAnswer, 
IsApproved, IsLockedOut, CreateDate, LastLoginDate, LastPasswordChangedDate, 
LastLockoutDate, FailedPasswordAttemptCount, 
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, 
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowsStart, Comment) 

SELECT o.ApplicationId, o.UserId, o.Password, 
o.PasswordFormat, o.PasswordSalt, o.Email, o.PasswordQuestion, o.PasswordAnswer, 
o.IsApproved, o.IsLockedOut, o.CreateDate, o.LastLoginDate, o.LastPasswordChangedDate, 
o.LastLockoutDate, o.FailedPasswordAttemptCount, 
o.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, o.FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, 
o.FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart, o.Comment 
FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership o
LEFT JOIN Memberships n ON  o.ApplicationId = n.ApplicationId
                      AND o.UserId = n.UserId
WHERE n.UserId IS NULL AND n.ApplicationId IS NULL

SELECT @CNT_NewTable = Count(1) from dbo.Memberships 
SELECT @CNT_OldTable = Count(1) from aspnet_Membership

PRINT 'Memberships count: ' + CAST(@CNT_NewTable AS VARCHAR) + ' >= ' + CAST(@CNT_OldTable AS VARCHAR)

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- UsersInRoles ------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO dbo.UsersInRoles SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles

SELECT @CNT_NewTable = Count(1) from dbo.UsersInRoles 
SELECT @CNT_OldTable = Count(1) from aspnet_UsersInRoles

PRINT 'UsersInRoles count: ' + CAST(@CNT_NewTable AS VARCHAR) + ' >= ' + CAST(@CNT_OldTable AS VARCHAR)

Migration from OSFamilly 1 to 4

Open the file .cscfg and edit the OS Family attribute. It's in the ServiceConfiguration node.
<ServiceConfiguration servicename="MyApp" osFamily="4" osVersion="*" ...>    

Wrapping up

The only step left is to deploy in the staging environment to see if everything is working as expected. would recommend also to plan to upgrade as soon as possible because the Azure SDK 2.1 official retirement date is November 2015. I hope this post could help you, even if you are migrating from and to a different version. Any comments, suggestions and/or questions are welcome.

~ Frank Boucher

Reading Notes #162

CloudBusSuggestion of the week




~Frank Boucher

Reading Notes #158

ButtonsamplepngSuggestion of the week


  • Designing for Big Scale in Azure (K. Dotchkoff) - Nice post that explains how we should change our design in the cloud and use logical container or scale units.


  • Building a Better NuGet (Edward Charbeneau) - Nice post that gives us the best practices when developing a NuGet package.



Reading Notes #155

CloudenFrancais_cover_400Suggestion of the week



  • Git: It’s Just Data! - This post shows us Git from a database point of view. Julie also gives really good reference for tool and book.




Reading Notes #154


compare_iaas_paas_saasSuggestion of the week





Reading Notes #148

Suggestion of the week




Reading Notes #147

Suggestion of the week





Reading Notes #141

Image from hubspot.comSuggestion of the week

  • Moving to Microsoft Azure (Filip Ekberg) - Another story about a blog migration on Azure. It's always interesting to learn what kind of trouble the people got while doing that.





Reading Notes #127

Suggestion of the week





  • Streaming Xml Transformations (Christos Karras) - Great tutorial that explains very clearly what are our solutions when we are in front of a complex XML transformation.


Reading Notes #125

frozenfanceSuggestion of the week






Reading Notes #106

WP_20130908_002Suggestion of the week







Reading Notes #93

Azure_SDK_2Suggestion of the week









Reading Notes #92

CloudBroadcastSuggestion of the week




  • Magic Numbers in CSS - If you are doing web development this reading is a must. For all the other read it, you will learn important css base.
  • Stop Your Console App The Nice Way) (Mike Hadlow) - This post some best practice to do a better management of the console application. It's not because it's a console app that UX is not important.



Reading Notes #87

april_27Suggestion of the week








Reading Notes #84


Suggestion of the week



  • What’s new in BizTalk360 v6.0? (Saravana Kumar) - Biztalk360 is holding his promises by releasing a new version after 4-5 month. This post list what the changes.


