Showing posts with label dotnet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dotnet. Show all posts

Reading Notes #392

The suggestion of the week


  • Andrew Connell's Blog (Andrew Connell) - This nice post is the second of a series of three. It explains how to do every step but also why the author decided to do that.




Reading Notes #379




Reading Notes #369





Reading Notes #354




Extreme Ownership_coverExtreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win (Jocko Willink, Leif Babin) - Very interesting book. Yes, it contains a lot of battle details, and first I was not sure, but then things "fall" all in place when you understand what the story was "demonstrating." It also contains more business focus examples. Everything is very clear, well explained in plain English.


How to create an Azure Container Instance (ACI) with .Net Core

For a project I just started, I need to create Azure resources from code. In fact, I want to create an Azure Container Instance. I already know how to create a container from Logic Apps and Azure CLI/PowerShell, but I was looking to create it inside an Azure Function. After a quick research online, I found the Azure Management Libraries for .NET (aka Fluent API) a project available on Github that do just that (and so much more)!
In this post, I will share with you how this library work and the result of my test.

The Goal

For this demo, I will create a .Net Core console application that creates an Azure Containter Instance (ACI). After it should be easy to take this code and migrate to an Azure Function or anywhere else.


The Console Application

Let's create a simple console application with the following command: dotnet new console -o AzFluentDemo cd AzFluentDemo dotnet add package The last command will use the nuget package available online an add it to our solution. Now we need a service principal so our application could access the Azure subscription. A since way to create one is the use Azure CLI az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > my.azureauth This will create an Active Directory (AD) Service Principal (SP) and write the content into the file my.azureauth. Perfect, now open the solution, for this kind of project, I like to use Visual Studio Code so code . will do the work for me. Replace the content of the Program.cs file by the following code.

using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core;
namespace AzFluentDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string authFilePath = "/home/frank/Dev/AzFluentDemo/my.azureauth";
            string resourceGroupName  = "cloud5mins";
            string containerGroupName = "frank-containers";
            string containerImage  = "microsoft/aci-helloworld";
            // Set Context
            IAzure azure = Azure.Authenticate(authFilePath).WithDefaultSubscription();
            ISubscription sub;
            sub = azure.GetCurrentSubscription();
            Console.WriteLine($"Authenticated with subscription '{sub.DisplayName}' (ID: {sub.SubscriptionId})");
            // Create ResoureGroup
            // Create Container instance
            IResourceGroup resGroup = azure.ResourceGroups.GetByName(resourceGroupName);
            Region azureRegion = resGroup.Region;
            // Create the container group
            var containerGroup = azure.ContainerGroups.Define(containerGroupName)
                .DefineContainerInstance(containerGroupName + "-1")
            Console.WriteLine($"Soon Available at http://{containerGroup.Fqdn}");

In the first row, I declare a few constants. The path of the service principal created earlier, resource group name, the container group name, and the image I will use. For this demo aci-helloworld. Then we get access with the Azure.Authenticate. Once we got access, it's y easy and the intellisense is fantastic! I don't think I need to explain the rest of the code as it already self-explanatory.

Got an Error?

While running you main in contour an error message complaining about the namespace not being registered or something like that ( I'm sorry I did not note the error message). You only need to register it with the command:

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerInstance

It will take a few minutes. To see if it's done you can execute this command:

az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerInstance --query "registrationState" 

Wrap it up

And voila! If you do a dotnet run after a minute or two, you will have a new web application running inside a container available from It's now very easy to take that code and bring it to an Azure Function or in any .Net Core Application that runs anywhere (Linux, Windows, Mac Os, web, containers, etc.)!

In a video, please!

I also have a video of this post if you prefer.



Reading Notes #347






Reading Notes #346


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  • Microsoft Ignite Aftermath ( Chris Pietschmann, Dan Patrick) - If you are like me and need to catch up on what append to Ignite, this post is a really good place to start as it contains a list of all the links we need.


Reading Notes #287





Reading Notes #281





Reading Notes #263




Reading Notes #262





  • Identity vs Permissions (Dominick Baier) - Good post that demystifies some point between two distinct but very often mixed concept.

Reading Notes #244




Reading Notes #243

valutoBusinessSuggestion of the week




Reading Notes #242



  • Exploring dotnet new with .NET Core (Scott Hanselman) - I discover the different types in dotnet new command during Julie Lerman's talk at DevTeach and now this post shows a list of incredible opportunities.


Reading Notes #215

Reading on the roadCloud




Toby, did you see what I just did!

Today, I was running around with my laptop trying to find someone to show him what I did. My problem was that since I'm working from home, I found no one except my dog... Toby, did you see what I just did! He was looking at me and didn't really care about that I was doing some C# in Atom, a regular text editor. So, here I am now, sharing my discovery with you.

The "What"

While reading some article on the Internet, I fall on a video talking about OmniSharp.
A family of Open Source projects, each with one goal - To enable great .NET development in YOUR editor of choice.
SO I decide to give it a try in one of my favorite text editors this time called Atom.
Less than two minutes after, I was running across my house....

The "How"

What I like about Atom that it is so easy to install and to customize. The easiest way to install it is via Chocolatey.
Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind.
Assuming that you don't have Chocolatey installed, let's start by that. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as Administrator, and execute this command:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

In a new command prompt again with the administrator permission, let's Install the text editor Atom:
cinst Atom

and Git:

cinst Git

Now to install the OmniSharp in Atom you have two options. You could do it through the Settings or using a console. For this post, I will use the second option. Let's open a new command prompt, always as Administrator.
The reason why I use a new prompt every time is to be sure that environment variable gets refreshed.

Execute these command:
apm install language-csharp
apm install autocomplete-plus-async
apm install omnisharp-atom

Now open Atom and let's put some code:
using System;

namespace ConsoleAppDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
          var myBook = new Book{Title="Get Started with OmniSharp"};
          Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Here is my review of: {0}", myBook.Title));

    public class Book
      private string _review;

      public string Title{get;set;}

      public string Review{
            _review = "This book is nice";
          return _review;
          _review = value;

Nothing special until you start the OmniSharp server with Ctrl-Alt-o.



As you can see now the intelisense, completion, code navigation and so more! If you click on the little green flame on the bottom left you see details about notification and error message.


The end

OmniSharp is a frontend compiler, not a complete compiler so it doesn't generate CLI code. But It's already a lot. Today, you can use OmniSharp with Sublime Text 3, Atom, Emacs, Brackets, Vim and with command line only. So whether on your old laptop or your new PC, whether you run Linux, Mac or Windows let's do some C#!

~Frank Boucher