Showing posts with label azure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label azure. Show all posts

Reading Notes #458

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!

The suggestion of the week

  • Using Azure Key Vault to manage your secrets (Chris Noring) - Wow, this is a very complete post that explains with Azure Key vault is great and it also explains how to build a simple n\Node.js app to read a value from it.



Reading Notes #457

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!




Reading Notes #456

The suggestion of the week






Reading Notes #455

The suggestion of the week




Reading Notes #454





Every Tool's a Hammer: Life Is What You Make It

(Adam Savage) 

- I really liked this book. In fact, As I was reading the first chapter I was "earing" Adam's voice. So instead of creating that voice in my head I bought the audiobook and let Adam himself tells me his story. This is the best book I listen to this year. It was inspiring and empowering.

Reading Notes #453





  • What is a Developer Game Jam? (Coding Blocks) - Interesting episode about Game Jam... I barely know that universe. Yes, I said universe because it is a completely different world or better another dimension. There are tons of events and participants but you may never hear of that. It's very interesting.

  • A Blast from the Past and Life's Interesting Journey — Back After 8 Years (The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast) - Inspiring episode about how communities can be built and be interesting.

How to configure a secured custom domain on a Azure Function or website

I wanted to create this tutorial for a long time. How to map a naked domain on an Azure resource. It looks so complicated, but once you know what to do it's kind of simple in fact. In this post, I will share the three simple steps to do exactly this.

Step 1: Add Custom Domain

The first step is to map a domain on the application. The method I will explain uses a "www" domain (ex: To map directly a naked domain (ex: you would need to buy a wildcard certificate. However, I will show you in step three how to walk around this issue by using DNS rules.

From the Azure portal, open the Azure Function or App Service. From the left menu search for "custom", click the Custom domains option. In this panel click the button Add custom domain, and enter your www domain.

Click the validate button and follow the instruction to make the connection between the App Service and your domain provider.

Step 2: Adding a Certificate

Now that your custom domain is mapped, let's fix the "not secure" warning by adding a certificate. From the Azure portal return in the App blade. Repeat the previous search for "custom", and select the option TLS/SSL settings. Click the Private Key Certificates, and the Create App Service Managed Certificate button. Select the domain previously added and saved. It will take a few moments to create the certificate.

Go back in the Custom domains blade and click the Add binding button. Select the domain and certificate, don't forget to select the SNI SSL option and click the Add Binding button.

Step 3: Create the DNS Rules

Create an account in and add a site for your domain. We will need to customize the DNS and create some Page Rules.

On the note the 2 nameservers addresses. Go to the origin name provider (in my case godaddy) and replace the names of the nameservers with the value found on cloudflare.

Create a rule that will redirect all the incoming traffic from the naked-domain to www.domain. On the option on the top, click the Pages Rules (B). Then Click the Button Create Page Rule

In the field for If the URL matches: enter the naked-domain follow by /*. That will match everything coming from that URL

For the settings select Forwarding URL and 301- Permanent Redirect. Then the destination URL should be https://www. with your domain and /$1.


🔗 Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service: 

🔗 Secure a custom DNS name with a TLS/SSL binding in Azure App Service:

Reading Notes #451






A Game Plan for Life: The Power of Mentoring

Author: John Wooden, John C. Maxwell

What a great book. I didn't know John Wooden before, but I am very impressed and inspired by both coach Wooden and the author. There is so much in this book and worth reading it again... But first, let's get prepare :)

Reading Notes #450




  • Cake 1.0 with Mattias Karlsson (.NET Rocks!) - I'm a fan of Cake and of the team working on this project for a long time. Great show with our glorious Carl and Richard.



Reading Notes #449




Reading Notes #448





Reading Notes #447





Talk Triggers: The Complete Guide to Creating Customers with Word of Mouth

Author: Jay Baer

A good book filled with good stories. I personally like it when they deconstruct like this winner journey or factor that makes those ideas, plans, actions different. The idea of a talk trigger is good and it was nice that the creation, lifetime, and death of a talk trigger was also cover in the book.


Reading Notes #446

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!



Suggestion of the week


Take Control of Your Life

Author: Mel Robbins

Great book. I wasn't sure first but someone recommended it and since, I like her first book and thought why not! I was not disappointed. I like this journey through interviews. Each person (yes real person, not characters), is great; full of emotions, victory, fails... like us, well me at least. 


Reading Notes #445

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!





~ Have a nice week!

Reading Notes #444

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!



Reading Notes #443

Reading Notes #443

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed. 

You think you may have interesting content, share it!






Reading Notes #442



Reading Notes #441





  • How to Create a Social Media Plan Template with Andrea Jones (Influencer Entrepreneurs with Jenny Melrose) - They say planning is everything, so I was happy to listen to this episode and learn more it and see if it was different depending on the platform.

  • Cycling Through Changes with Laura King (Wild Ideas Worth Living) - I'm a man and my "baby" is an adult now. Yet, I found that episode very interesting. Even though a lot of friends shared with me a few "challenges" that pregnancy brings... And didn't think about the training ones...


Author: Greg McKeown 

- I really like this book. In a world where we all try to get more things done to be more productive, this book talks about doing less... to be more productive. Very interesting I thought. Talking about priorities, and how to help you to find our focus.


Summary of Week 34

Every beginning weekend, I will share a recap of the week and at the same time a summary of my streams. Those videos are at least two hours longs, so I thought a short summary to know if the topic interest you could be useful. Watch only the summary or relax and enjoy the longer version that up to you!



Reading Notes #440




  • The Shorts -- Twindom (The Dirtbag Diaries) - A really touching story of two sisters and a hiking trip that changed her lives.