Reading Notes #19






Reading Notes #18






    Reading Notes #17

    rain cloud




    Reading Notes #16


    "SQL Azure Reporting enables new hybrid IT scenarios - for example, customers can schedule automatic synchronization of on-premises databases with SQL Azure, and then deploy cloud-based BI reports based on the synchronized cloud-based data"



    "Microsoft’s Tony Meleg actually did an excellent job frankly discussing the future of the middle platform and their challenges of branding and cohesion.  I strongly encourage you to watch that session"


    Reading Notes #15


  • Moving to Azure: The Plan and Start - First post of a series about moving to azure. Some good links.
  • Moving to Azure: The Database – (part two)  SQLAzure is so nice ;)
  • New Docs: AWS Getting Started Guides for Linux and Microsoft Windows - New docs... Great!
  • Hosting a Web Site Completely from Windows Azure Storage (David Pallmann) - If smaller is better, will you prefer 0,15 or 90?
  • TechDays 2011: Developer Tools, Languages, Frameworks & awesomeness (Frédéric Harper) - A lot of good things... And it’s coming at Montreal!
  • Does Windows Azure Startup task have time limit? What to do with heavy processing startup task in Windows Azure Role? (Avkash Chauhan - MSFT) - Explain a way to manage long start-up task without any issue.
  • Relaunching with HTML5 and Expanded Content (David Pallmann) - A useful web site that is store in blob storage...

  • Programming

    • Ninjecting MVC3 - If you never try Ninject, then try it! Go update youre pet project to make use of it.



    Reading Notes #14





    Reading Notes #13






    Reading Notes #12

    This week I try to "organize" my list a little bit.  Let me know if you prefer that way or the unsorted way like before.






    Reading Notes #11


    Reading Notes #10

     HTML5 affects more than the front end and cloud computing affects more than the back end.”

    ~ Franky

    Azure Storage - Which tool should I choose to manage my Azure Storage?

    One of the first thing you need when you start doing Azure projects is a tool to manage the Azure storage. But so many are available… And they all look good!  In this post, I will try to answer to the question: Which tool should I choose to manage my Azure Storage?  Feel free to add comments or suggestions, I’m always open to better idea.

    Azure Storage Explorer
    clip_image002The first one I try was the Azure Storage Explorer. You can easily find it (you probably already know it) on
    The look of this application is gorgeous and the tool it self is very powerful.  You can manage the queues, the tables, the blob storage.  And more recently to project was update to add blob security features. And this tool is completely free.
    The only weak point I found, was that the application was freezing when I try too upload many (+1000) images in a blog storage.

    Cloudberry Explorer

    clip_image010Another I try was Cloudberry. It look like a ftp tool and only manage the blob storage, but I found it to be the more efficient.  The tool ask you for a registration, but the registration is free.  It never freeze event when I shoot him thousand of images.
    The only con is that it doesn't support queues and tables.


    clip_image012Finally I also try AzureXplorer. This tool cost only 50$ (a free fully functional 30-days evaluation is also available) and is completely integrated to Visual Studio (that a great thing when you are a .Net developer).  It can manage queues, tables and blob storages.
    The problem was when (yes again) upload a lot of images the full Visual Studio was lock.  So I was unable to work… but other wise very nice.

    And the winner is…

    And the winner is all of them. I think that if your doing a lot of upload in the blob storage the CloudBerry is must.  Otherwise, depending if you are using Visual Studio or if you want to go with a free open source project both AzureXplorer or Azure Storage Explorer are a excellent choice.

    Again, this is not the absolute truth, this is base on my experience.  So please, if you know a good tool to manage Azure Storage add a comment.

    ~ Franky


    Reading Notes #9 (Lecture de la semaine)

    Back from vacation, a lot of reading to catch-up.

    The analytics documentation as well as the storage team’s blog posts on logging and metrics have more details

    Lecture de la semaine # 8


    ~Franky Tags: ,,,,,,

    The Magic Provider (also call Universal Providers)

    My first Azure project was the migration of an existing web site in the cloud.  “Piece of cake”, I think. I was not so far, but I got one little issue why the membership and the session state.
    Back then the best solution was to use the AspProviders, a project in Microsoft Azure Samples.  The projet need to add to the solution and special SQL script, done by the Azure Team, need to be run to modify the AzureSQL database.  Once some tweaks to the config files were done, it was working.  Not bad, but it could be easier.
    Today, thanks to the NuGet magic, we have the ASP.NET Universal Providers! With this package we only need to execute one command: Install-Package System.Web.Providers, and voilà! No more config files manipulations, no more SQL script to run, no more nothing.   Just install and run it.
    It really works! 
    Install-Package System.Web.Providers
    Of course it’s still in alpha (version 0.1) but it’s all ready working nice.  For a more complete introduction I suggest you to read the great post that Scott Handselman wrote on is blog: Introducing System.Web.Providers - ASP.NET Universal Providers for Session, Membership, Roles and User Profile on SQL Compact and SQL Azure.

    ~ Franky


    Lecture de la semaine #7

    ~ Franky

    Lecture de la semaine #6


    from BluPointe Blog

    “to read more about the filter attribute, see
    “The list of built-in MVC filters can be found here:
    “Profiling Your .NET Code :
    “ - Guide to Improving Code Performance in .NET: Part I” by Satesh Arveti on C# Corner (
    - Writing Efficient C and C Code Optimization” by Koushik Ghosh on Code Project (
    - Writing High Performance .NET Code” by Juan A Rodriguez and Simonijt Dutta from Intel (”
    “Deploy sites to Windows Azure in less than 30 seconds Enables deployments to multiple Web Role instances using Web Deploy Saves Web Deploy packages & IIS configuration in Windows Azure storage to provide durability A web administrator portal for managing web sites deployed to the role The ability to upload and manage SSL certificates Simple logging and diagnostics tools.”
    “Installing the WAAWR is as easy as download, extract, buildme.cmd and you’re done.”

    ~ Franky

    Lecture de la semaine #5

    “In this post, I’ll show you how to build an Azure AppFabric adapter for StreamInsight.  In the next post, I’ll walk through the steps to deploy the on-premises StreamInsight application to Windows Azure and StreamInsight Austin.”

    “You can find the source code here.”

    “As the datacenters get upgraded, the version number of the database engine will increase, which will result in errors when connecting”

    “we encourage you to immediately download and install the latest updates to the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) tools for managing your SQL Server and SQL Azure databases.  The links to get the latest updates available in SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 are:

    “…if you really want to debug and trace an Azure application you had better read this MSDN article which explains how to create custom debugging and trace agents and write logs to Azure storage.”


    ~ Franky

    Lecture de la semaine #4

    Cette semaine il y a une “petite” tendence…


    Lecture de la semaine #3


    Geek And Poke: B


    Lecture de la semaine #2


    Cloud Cover Episode 23 - AppFabric Service Bus (vidéo)

    Épisode très intéressante où le Service Bus est présenté avec un exemple simple. Plus d’information sur : et sur CodePlex. Il est possible de télécharger des exemples à partir de CodePlex ou avec Nuget. ref :


    Understanding Windows Azure AppFabric Queues (vidéo)

    Une autre présentation sur AppFabric, axé sur les queues. ref :

    Console2 - A Better Windows Command Prompt

    by Scott Hanselman
    Description d’une console « DOS Prompt » génial. ref :


    jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation - For Version 1.6

    Documentation très bien faite structurée, avec des exemples et permettant des recherches. C'est le même contenu que sur mais le contenu formaté différemment et la recherche facilitée. ref :

    TFS merge tools configuration

    Je chercher toujours d’une fois à l’autre « LA » configuration de KDiff dans Visual Studio, maintenant je ne chercherai plus. ref :

    Windows Azure MSDN How To tips in one place

    Le titre dit tout… ref :


    Code snippets on blogs, are you allowed to use them in your own work? No you can not!!

    Je ne savais pas… maintenant j’en sais plus sur les “code snippets” et leur utilisation. ref :

    Tools For jQuery Application Architecture – The Printable Chart

    Présentation sur jQuery, l’architecture des applications et les outils disponibles. Ref :
    Aussi disponible un livre gratuit : Essential JavaScript Design Patterns 1.1 – A Free Updated Book For Beginners. Disponible ici :


    Lecture de la semaine #1


    Geek And Poke: The Last App For The Cloud

    Geek And Poke: The Last App For The Cloud:

    The Last App For The Cloud

    The Last App For The Cloud


    MvcScaffolding One-to-Many Relationships par Steve Sanderson

    La troisième partie de la série de Steve Sanderson sur le package MvcScaffolding est
    MvcScaffolding: One-to-Many Relationships - Steve Sanderson’s blog: "This blog post is part of a series about the MvcScaffolding NuGet package:
    Introduction: Scaffold your ASP.NET MVC 3 project with the MvcScaffolding package
    Standard usage: Typical use cases and options
    This post: One-to-Many Relationships
    Coming soon: Customizing the T4 templates
    Coming soon: Creating entirely new scaffolders with custom PowerShell logic
    Recently I’ve been adding features at a frantic pace, the most significant of which is support for relationships between entities. This means you can quickly create Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) interfaces with drop-down lists, for example to set which “category” a “product” is in, or who is the “manager” or an “employee”."

    Le MvcScaffolding expliqué par Steve Sanderson

    Récemment est arrivée NuGet, avec sa panoplie de packages.  Un qui avait particulièrement attiré mon attention était le MvcScaffolding.  Ce package permet de générer du code passé sur un modèle.
    Dans cet article, Steve Sanderson, explique de façon très claire comment utiliser ce puissant outil. À lire absolument!

    MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage: Steve Sanderson’s blog: "MvcScaffolding: Standard Usage
    MVC, ScaffoldingJanuary 13th, 2011
    This post describes some of the basic functionality you get with the MvcScaffolding package as soon as you install it. First, though, let’s explain a few core concepts. Don’t worry, there aren’t too many strange new concepts…
    If this is the first time you’ve heard about MvcScaffolding, check out this other introductory post first.
    What is a scaffolder?"

    ~ Franky

    Google Desktop pour développeur

    Est-ce que vous utilisez Google Desktop?  Est-ce que vous connaissez?  Vous devriez, c’est merveilleux.  Comme son nom l’indique c’est un Google, mais pour le contenu de votre ordinateur.  Mais vous me direz:”Windows propose déjà un outil de recherche pourquoi je devrais en installer un autre?”.   Voici la réponse…