Showing posts with label serverless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serverless. Show all posts

Be more Productive by using Inline Code in your Azure Logic App

In a project using Azure Logic Apps that I am working on, I needed to manipulate strings. I could create APIs or Azure Functions, but the code is very simple and is not using any external libraries. In this post, I will show you how to use the new Inline Code to execute your code snippet directly inside your Logic Apps.

Quick Context

The Logic App will read a file from my OneDrive (it will also work with DropBox, Box, etc.). Here an example of the file:

Nice tutorial that explains how to build, using postman, an efficient API.[]

The goal is to extract tags, contained between the square brackets, from the text.

Logic App: Get File Content

From the Azure Portal, create a new Logic App by clicking the big green "+" button in the top left corner and searching for Logic App.

For this demo, I will use the Interval as a trigger because I will execute the Logic App manually.

The first step will be a Get File Content action from the OneDrive connector. Once you authorized Azure to access your OneDrive folder, select the file you want to read. For me, it's /dev/simpleNote.txt

Integration Account

To access the workflowContext the Azure Logic App required an Integration account. Next step would be to create one. Save the current Logic App, and click on the big "+" button in the top right corner. This time search for integration. Select Integration Account, and complete the form to create it.

We now need to assign it to our Logic App. From the Logic App blade, in the options list select Workflow Settings. Then select your integration account, and don't forget to save!

Logic App: Inline Code

To add the action at the end of your workflow, click the New step button. Search for Inline Code, and select the action Execute JavaScript Code.

Before copy-pasting the code into the new Inline Code action let's have a quick look.

var note = "" + workflowContext.actions.Get_file_content.outputs.body;
var posTag = note.lastIndexOf("[") + 1;
var cleanNote = {};

if(posTag > 0){
        cleanNote.tags = note.substring(posTag, note.length-1);
        cleanNote.msg = note.substring(0,posTag-1);
return cleanNote;

On the first line, we assign a variable note the content of the Get_file_content outputs. We access it using the workflowContext. This context has access to the trigger and the actions. To find the name of the action you can replace the spaces by the underscore character "_".

You can also switch to Code View, and see the name of all components from the JSON code.

Logic App: Use Inline Code Result

Of course, you can use the output of your Inline Code with other steps. You just need to use the Result from the dynamic content menu.

If for some reason the dynamic content list doesn't contain your Inline Code, you can always add the code directly @body('Cleaning_Note')?['body'].

Your Logic App should now look like this:


The Inline code is very promising. Right now it's limited to JAvaScript and cannot access variable nor loops. However, for simple code that doesn't require any references, it's easier to maintain and deploy. You can learn more about what is exactly covered or not here.
And it works as this result shows.

You prefer watching instead or Reading

I also have a video of this post if you prefer.


Reading Notes #373




Donald Miller

A really interesting book that helps to focus and keep in mind the most important. I didn't read it with a purpose of business really, but it did make me remember past experiences and it was easy to make the relationship between success and when the story was clear. Take the time to read it, do the exercises/ reflections required... it's worth it.


Reading Notes #371




Reading Notes #359






How to Be a Bawse_cover
How to Be a Bawse A Guide to Conquering Life
Lilly Singh
Not only the message is strong, but the way she delivers it is awesome. Many times I laugh and nod of the head... Definitely a great book to read at the end of the year when resolution time is not far...


Reading Notes #357

71lKlEYntPL._SL1500_Suggestion of the week





Reading Notes #351






Reading Notes #333




How to Deploy your Azure Functions Faster and Easily with Zip Push

Azure functions are great. I used to do a lot of "csx" version (C# scripted version) but more recently I switched to the compile version, and I definitely loved it! However, I was looking for a way to keep my deployment short and sweet, because sometimes I don't have time to setup a "big" CI/CD or simply because sometimes I'm not the one doing the deployment... In those cases, I need a simple script that will deploy everything! In this post, I will share with you how you can deploy everything with one easy script.

The Context

In this demo, I will deploy a simple C# (full .Net framework) Azure functions. I will create the Azure Function App and storage using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM template) and deploy with a method named Zip push or ZipDeploy. All the code, script, a template is available on my Github.

The Azure Functions Code

The Azure Function doesn't have to be special, and it can be any language supported by Azure Functions. Simply to show you everything, here the code of my function.

namespace AzFunctionZipDeploy
    public static class Function1
        public static async Task Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            string top = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
                .FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "top", true) == 0)

            if (top == null)
                dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync< object>();
                top = data?.top;

        return top == null
                ? req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a number to get your top x runner on the query string or in the request body")
                : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { message = $"Hello, here is your Top {top} runners", runners = A.ListOf(int.Parse(top)) });

    class Person
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }

It's a really simple function that will return a list of Person generated on the fly. The list will contain as many person as the number passed in parameter. I'm using the very useful GenFu library, from my buddies: ASP.NET Monsters.

The only thing we need to do is to create our compress file (Zip or Rar) that contains everything our project required.


In this case, it's the project file (AzFunction-ZipDeploy.csproj), the function's code (Function1.cs) the host (host.json) and local settings of our function (local.settings.json).

The ARM template

For this demo, we need one Azure Function App. I will use a template that is part of the Azure Quickstart Templates. A quick look to the azuredeploy.parameters.json file and we see that the only parameter we really need to set is the name of our application.

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "appName": {
        "value": "zipdeploydemo"

To be able to ZipDeploy, we need to add one Application Setting to let the Kudu interface we need its help to compile our code. To do that let's open the azuredeploy.json and go to the appSettings section. We need to add a new variable named: SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT and set it to true. After adding the setting it should look like this (see the last one... that's our new one):

"appSettings": [
    "name": "AzureWebJobsDashboard",
    "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=', variables('storageAccountName'), ';AccountKey=', listKeys(variables('storageAccountid'),'2015-05-01-preview').key1)]"
    "name": "AzureWebJobsStorage",
    "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=', variables('storageAccountName'), ';AccountKey=', listKeys(variables('storageAccountid'),'2015-05-01-preview').key1)]"
    "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=', variables('storageAccountName'), ';AccountKey=', listKeys(variables('storageAccountid'),'2015-05-01-preview').key1)]"
    "value": "[toLower(variables('functionAppName'))]"
    "value": "~1"
    "value": "6.5.0"
    "value": true

The Deployment Script

Now that all the pieces are ready it's time to put it together one script. In fact, only the two last commands are required; everything else is just stuff to make it easier to re-use it. Check out my previous post 5 Simple Steps to Get a Clean ARM Template, to learn more about the best practices related to ARM template. So let's see that script, it's pretty simple.

    # script to Create an Azure Gramophone-PoC Solution



    dateToken=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'`

    # az login

    # You can select a specific subscription if you do not want to use the default
    # az account set -s SUBSCRIPTION_ID

    if !( $(az group exists -g  $resourceGroupName) ) then
        echo "---> Creating the Resourcegroup: " $resourceGroupName
        az group create -g $resourceGroupName -l $resourceGroupLocation
        echo "---> Resourcegroup:" $resourceGroupName "already exists."

    az group deployment create --name $deploymentName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --template-file $templateFilePath --parameters $parameterFilePath --verbose

    echo "---> Deploying Function Code"
    az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g $resourceGroupName -n zipdeploydemo --src "./zip/"

    echo "---> done <--- code="">

The only "new" thing is the last command functionapp deployment source config-zip. That where we specify to the Azure Function App to look to --src to get our source. Because I'm running it locally, the path is pointing to a local folder. However, you could execute this command also in the CloudShell, and that would become a URI... to an Azure Blob Storage by example.

Deploy and Test

If you didn't notice yet, I did my script in bash and Azure CLI. That because I want my script to be compatible with all platforms. Of course, you could have done it in PowerShell or anything else that would call the REST API.

To deploy, just execute the script passing the ResourceGroup name, and its location.

    ./ cloud5mins eastus


To get to Function URL, go to the Azure portal ( and click on the Function App that we just deploy. Click on the function GetTopRunner in this case, and click on the </> Getfunction URL button.


Use that URL in postman and pass another parameter top to see we the deployment ws successful.


In Video Please

If you prefer, I also have a video version of this post.


Reading Notes #329


Suggestion of the week




Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World (Gary Vaynerchuk) - Great book, for all of us you are trying to tell something, pass a message on the social media... This is a must.


Reading Notes #323

Suggestion of the week






This book doesn't age! 

This book may be old, but it's still incredibly true. I loved the way the reader was speaking and the rich vocabulary. It's definitely a must.


How to access an SQL Database from an Azure Function and Node.js

The other day, a friend asked me how he could add some functionality to an existing application without having access to the code. It the perfect case to demo some Azure Functions capability, so I jumped on the occasion. Because my friend is a Node.js developer on Linux, and I knew it was supported, I decided to try that combination. I know Node, but I'm definitely not and expert since I don't practice very often.

This post is my journey building that demo. I was out of my comfort zone, coding in Node and working on a Linux machine, but not that far... Because these days, you can "do some Azure" from anywhere.

The Goal

Coding an Azure Function that will connect to an SQL Database (it could be any data source). Using Node.js and tools available on Unbuntu.

Note: In this post, I will be using Visual Studio Code, but you could also create your function directly in the Azure Portal or from Visual Stusio.

Getting Started

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know how I like Visual Studio Code. It's a great tool available on Mac Linux and Windows and gives you the opportunity to enjoy all its feature from anywhere feeling like if you were in your cozy and familiar environment. If VSCode is not already installed on your machine, go grap your free version on

Many extensions are available for VSCode, and one gives us the capability to code and deploy Azure Function. To install it, open VSCode and select the extension icon and search for Azure Function; it's the one with the yellow lighting and the blue angle brackets.


Create the Azure Function

To get started let's great an Azure Function project. By sure to be in the folder where you wish to create your Function App. Open the Command Pallette (Ctrl + Shift + p) and type Azure Function. Select Azure Functions: Create New Project. That will add some configuration files for the Functions App.

Now Let's create a Function. You could reopen again the Command Palette and search for Azure Function: Create Function, but let's use the UI this time. At the bottom left of the Explorer section, you should see a new section called AZURE FUNCTIONS. Click on the little lighting to Create a new Function.


After you specify the Function App name, the Azure subscription and other little essential, a new folder will be added in your folder structure, and the function is created. The code of our function is in the file Index.js. At the moment, of writing this post only Javascript is supported by the VSCode extension.

Open the file index.js and replace all its content by the following code.

var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
var Request = require('tedious').Request
var TYPES = require('tedious').TYPES;

module.exports = function (context, myTimer) {

    var _currentData = {};

    var config = {
        userName: 'frankadmin',
        password: 'MyPassw0rd!',
        server: '',
        options: {encrypt: true, database: 'clouden5db'}

    var connection = new Connection(config);
    connection.on('connect', function(err) {

    function getPerformance() {

        request = new Request("SELECT 'Best' = MIN(FivekmTime), 'Average' = AVG(FivekmTime) FROM RunnerPerformance;", function(err) {
        if (err) {

        request.on('row', function(columns) {
            _currentData.Best = columns[0].value;
            _currentData.Average = columns[1].value;;

        request.on('requestCompleted', function () {

    function saveStatistic() {

        request = new Request("UPDATE Statistic SET BestTime=@best, AverageTime=@average;", function(err) {
         if (err) {
        request.addParameter('best', TYPES.Int, _currentData.Best);
        request.addParameter('average', TYPES.Int, _currentData.Average);
        request.on('row', function(columns) {
            columns.forEach(function(column) {
              if (column.value === null) {
              } else {
                context.log("Statistic Updated.");



The code just to demonstrate how to connect to an SQL Database and do not represent the best practices. At the top, we have some declaration the used the package tedious; I will get back to that later. A that, I've created a connection using the configuration declared just before. Then we hook some function to some event. On connection connect the function getPerformance() is called to fetch the data.

On request row event we grab the data and do the "math", then finally on requestCompleted we call the second sub-function that will update the database with the new value. To get more information and see more example about tedious, check the GitHub repository.

Publish to Azure

All the code is ready; it's now time to publish our function to Azure. One more time you could to that by the Command Palette, or the Extension menu. Use the method of your choice and select Deploy to Function App. After a few seconds only our Function will be deployed in Azure.

Navigate to and get to your Function App. If you try to Run the Function right now, you will get an error because tedious is not recognized.

Install the dependencies

We need to install the dependencies for the Function App, in this case tedious. A very simple way is to create a package.json file and to use the Kudu console ton install it. Create a package.json file with the following json in it:

    "name": "CloudEn5Minutes",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Connect to Database",
    "repository": {
       "type": "git",
       "url": "git+"
    "author": "",
    "license": "ISC",
    "dependencies": {
        "tedious": "^2.1.1"

Open the Kudu interface. You can reach it by clicking on the Function App then the tab Platform features and finally Advanced tools (Kudu). Kudu is also available directly by the URL [FunctionAppNAme] (ex: ). Select the Debug console CMD. Than in the top section navigate to the folder home\site\wwwroot. Drag & drop the package.json file. Once the file is uploaded, type the command npm install to download and install all the dependencies declared in our file. Once it all done you should restart the Function App.


Wrapping up & my thoughts

There it is, if you go back now to your Function and try to execute it will work perfectly. It's true that I'm familiar with Azure Function and SQL Database. However, for a first experience using Ubuntu and Node.js in the mix, I was expecting more resistance. One more time VSCode was really useful and everything was done with ease.

For those of you that would like to test this exact function, here the SQL code to generate what will be required for the database side.

    CREATE TABLE RunnerPerformance(
        Id           INT IDENTITY(1,1)  PRIMARY KEY,
        FivekmTime   INT

    CREATE TABLE Statistic(
        Id          INT IDENTITY(1,1)  PRIMARY KEY,
        BestTime    INT,
        AverageTime INT

    INSERT Statistic (BestTime, AverageTime) VALUES (1, 1);

    DECLARE @cnt INT = 0;

    WHILE @cnt < 10
    INSERT INTO RunnerPerformance (FivekmTime)
    SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;

Video version


Reading Notes #297


Suggestion of the week

  • How to uninstall Scrum (Erwin Verweij) - When you will read that post (because you must read it... Seriously), you will smile, giggle and maybe even laugh.




Reading Notes #294


Suggestion of the week




Reading Notes #293



Reading Notes #292


Suggestion of the week





Reading Notes #285



Suggestion of the week


Reading Notes #284




Reading Notes #280



A static website and some little tricks with Azure Functions Proxies

(Updated 2018-02-08)

Recently, I did few presentations about Azure functions. The reaction was always very positive and attendees leave with tons of ideas of projects in their heads. In this post, I would like to add few interesting features that I didn't have the time to talk about.

You prefer to watch a video instead of reading? No problem, skip at the end at the Explain in a Video of this post immediately.

Let's get started

From the Azure Portal ( select an Azure Function domain, or create a new one. Then we need to create a Function App that we will be use as our backend. Click on the "+" sign at the side of Function. In this post, we will be using the HttpTrigger-CSharp template, but other template will work too. Once you select the template you will be able to enter the name and select the Authorization level. This last choice will affect how your function could be accessed. For exemple, if you select Anonymous then you function will be accessible to everyone directly using the url:, where 'notesfunctions' is my function domain name. But if you select Function or Admin level, then you will need to pass a Function Key or Master Key (ex: For this post let's use the Function level. When ready click the Create button.


Using Postman, your favorite HTTP tool, or even the function Test section (located on the right side of the editor in the Function blade), you can now test your Function. To be able to test our function, we need to know the URL. To get the URL of your functions, once you function is selected (when you see the code), click on </> Get function URL on the top of the screen.


Note that the querystring as a parameter named code that is receiving our function key. When this parameter is not present, you will receive an HTTP 401 Unauthorized message. The function generated by the template also expects a value 'Name' that could be passed by the querystring or by a json file with a property Name in the http request body.

Azure Functions Proxies

Functions Proxies are currently in preview. With them, any function app can now define an endpoint that serves as a reverse proxy to another [API / webhook / function App / anything else].
Before being able to create new Azure Functions Proxies, you need to enable them. From the Function blade, select the Settings tab on the top of the screen, then click the On button, under the Proxie section.


Now let's create our first Function Proxy. Click on the "+" on the right of Proxies (Preview). Enter the following values.


In the Backend URL note as %Host_Name% is used in the URL; this is NOT an environment variable. In fact surrounding a key with % is a very useful tool from the Azure Function that gives us the ability to read directly in the Application settings.


To get to the Application settings, select the Function Application domain (the root node), then the tab Platform features from the top of the screen. In the image above, Point A shows on to access the Application settings, and Point B shows how to access the App Service Editor that will use later in this post.

If it's not already done, add a new key-value in Application setting: Host_Name with his value. Then from Postman, call this new proxy function. Note that now you don't need to pass the key since this part is done under the hood by the proxy.


Do more with your Proxies

Okay, now that we have a proxy up and running, let's switch to the App Service Editor to do more "advanced" stuff (the Editor is available throuth the Platform features tab). Once you are in the editor select the file proxies.json to open it.


As you can see we only have one proxy defined. Let's duplicate our proxy. Rename the copy "Override", and change the route value for override too. If you test this new proxy, it will work just as the other one. Let's change that a little, under the property backendUri add a new node called: responseOverrides. It is possible with proxies to edit the HTTP properties. To change the Content-Type to text instead of json add "response.headers.Content-Type": "text/plain" inside our new node responseOverrides (be aware, it's case sensitive). Test again Override and you will constate that the content indeed has changed.

Continuing that way you count use Azure Function Proxies as mock. For example, replace the backendUri property and override the response body to return a fix value, and voila! You built yourself a great mock-up! This is very useful! To illustrate this, add a new proxy using this code:
"Fake": {
    "matchCondition": {
        "route": "fake"
    "responseOverrides": {
        "response.headers.Content-Type": "text/plain",
        "response.body": "Hello from Azure"
If you call this last proxy, no backend will be called, but the HTTP call is working.

Static WebSite

Everybody knows that Azure storage is very inexpensive. Would it be wonderful if we could put a static website in that storage? Of course, you can do it, I mean as long as the URL was complete. However, who type the URL completely with the file and file extention (ex: Well now with Azure Function Proxy, we could fix that! Add another proxy to the proxies.json file using this code:
"StaticNotes": {
    "matchCondition": {
        "methods": [
        "route": "/"
    "backendUri": "https://%blob_url%/dev/index.html"
This new proxy will "redirect" all root HTTP GET calls to our index.html file waiting in our Azure Blob storage. For a more professional look, you just need to add a custom domain name to your Function, and you got the perfect super-light low-cost website for your promotion campaign, or event.


Explain in a Video


  • Postman :
  • App Service Editor: https://{function domain name} (ex:

Reading Notes #273


